News Liste Going Medieval

Update #12 | Prisoners & Gates
Going Medieval
15.10.24 10:02 Community Announcements
Greetings medievalists!

The new major update, titled “Prisoners & Gates” (0.20.9) is now live on Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG! All the fixes and improvements from the experimental branch are now stable, tested, and present in this update! These include: prisoner system, gates, refactored buildings, new stuff and more!

Here are the notes for what awaits you in this version, but first, a warning:

Disable Mods if you have them

Please note: if you are using unofficial mods you might experience crashes or even an inability to start the game. If you do, turn the mods off before starting the game. If the problem persists, be sure to delete everything in the steamapps\common\Going Medieval and then verify the game files.

If you are stuck at the title screen go here: %userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\Unity\Foxy Voxel_Going Medieval\ and delete all of the files there.

Now, onto the update - we’ll separate it into different segments:

Prisoners system

From now on, from time to time once the raid is done and you end up victorious, the enemies may surrender. Surrendering is influenced by a couple of factors:
  • Enemies need to be below 50% HP to be eligible for surrender.
  • Enemies that are not hurt but are walled off after being defeated will surrender.
  • Enemies that are in the forbidden zone (map edges) will never surrender.
  • Each faction has a surrender chance, but we plan to introduce some factions that will never surrender.
  • The more prisoners and settlers you have, the less chance you have for the enemy to surrender.

Basically, if after a battle both sides experience losses but you are victorious, fewer enemies will surrender. The better you are in combat, there is a greater chance for more people willing to surrender. After around 20 settlers/prisoners in total, the chance for surrender starts decreasing (to avoid so many people on the map and all the burdens that come with it).

When the enemy surrenders, you will be greeted with a panel where you’ll be able to choose who to turn into a prisoner. Once you select them, they will be in a surrender state for about 6 in-game hours before they try to escape. To turn them into prisoners, you will need a Gaoler.


Gaoler is a new job for settlers to prioritize. Essentially, it’s the medieval expression for the jailer. Settlers with the Goaler job will:
  • Escort prisoners - Move prisoners to their cells and capture them when they are running away.
  • Strip prisoner - Prisoners marked with this order will be approached by the gaoler and lose all their clothes and headwear. Prisoners will auto-equip other clothes if on stockpiles/wardrobes, chests in the cell
  • Release prisoners - Gaoler will take prisoners to the edge of the map and release them. This will result in a positive friendliness outcome with the prisoner's faction. All other prisoners get a positive mood effector applied to them when this happens.
  • Shackle prisoners - They’ll take shackles and apply them to a prisoner. Shackles are needed for prisoners to go via caravan and to be turned into captive labourers.

Prison Cell

Captured prisoners will be taken to prison cells.
  • Spare room can be turned into a Prison Cell by building a Prison Marker and Prisoner’s Stash within it.
  • Prisoners will idle around and function within the Prison Cell.
  • We plan to introduce an option where you choose which prisoner goes into which cell - this will be done by selecting the prison marker. This is not yet in the game.

Captive Labourer

Prisoners can be turned into captive labourers by putting shackles on them and if you have a warden in your settlement.
  • Captive labourers can only do 5 jobs: Construct, Mine, Grow, Harvest and Cut Plants. These are managed in the Overview panel in the Prisoners tab.
  • Captive labourers can't be turned into settlers.
  • Captive labourers will work for 4 in-game hours, after the Warden has spoken to them. After their work is finished, Warden can speak with them again and make them work again. Keep in mind that prisoners have to rest, too.

And speaking of the Warden…

Warden is a new role, akin to Chaplain, Druid and Bard, but with a different set of duties,
  • Having the prison warden role present in your settlement will allow you to turn prisoners into captive labourers and/or turn them into settlers via recruitment process.
  • Warden will recruit prisoners to settlers if the prisoner is marked for a recruitment. Warden will only do this in the role-appointed hours once a day.
  • Recruitment process is similar to the taming/training process.
  • The chances of recruitment increase with the mood of the prisoner as well as the speechcraft skill of the warden.
  • Captive labourer can’t be recruited. You will have to unmark them from captive labourers for the recruitment process to be available.
  • If you choose to turn a prisoner that is in the recruitment process into a captive labourer, the recruitment process will stop and slowly decline.
  • Warden will manage captive labourers by switching their hour type to work type for 4 in-game hours after having a conversation with them.

You can also sell/buy prisoners, because we are introducing…

New merchant type

A new trader will appear from time to time and will barter using prisoners. However:
  • This merchant will never enter your settlement and will only stand on the edge of it.
  • Using prisoners to trade will result in no friendliness modifiers with other factions because this merchant type does not belong to any of the game's factions.
  • This merchant will only take coin and gold ingots for their prisoners.
  • If you try to attack it, they’ll immediately flee.

When it comes to regular trading situations:
  • Negotiators will take prisoners of the same faction as barter.
  • Merchants will purchase prisoners of the same faction.
  • Prisoners can be taken via caravan to settlements.
  • If you have a prisoner from one faction, you will not be able to improve the relationship with that specific faction beyond neutral.

Alternatively, you can punish prisoners because we are introducing…

Hanging event

You can trigger an execution event by constructing gallows and selecting it. Here is what you need to know:
  • Any prisoner/captive labourer can be hanged.
  • Hanging a prisoner results in friendliness modifiers towards the faction of the hanged, as well as modifiers towards the enemy factions of the hanged.
  • The rest of the prisoners will get negative mood effectors if this happens.
  • Some settlers with certain perks will be very happy to see someone hanged.
  • Gallows have beauty -10.

Various new messages and alerts will appear with the prisoner feature - if prisoners are running away, if there are no prison cells, if there is no gaoler job, etc.

Gates and Building refactoring

We’ve added new types of structures: Gates, Tall Gates and Portcullises.

Gates and portcullis can only be locked or opened. They will not automatically open like doors when the settler gets close to them. Because of this, we’ve added some new functionality to buildings:
  • New buildings can have forbidden zones. This means we can add a forbidden zone around the structure that can't have any structures built but humans/animals can move freely in that space. Gates have that in front and behind them because the gate opens in a wider range
  • Doors and gates now have a broken state. If the HP of gates and doors falls under 20% the doors will be broken and fully traversable but not destroyed. They need to be repaired to over 80% of HP to be closed again.

This is all possible thanks to the freshly refactored building system. Building refactoring is mostly under-the-hood stuff that you can’t see, but it is beneficial for us because we can create new structure types easily and debug them almost effortlessly when needed.

Building stability has been reworked from the ground up (hehe). It is much faster now and has a better logic to it (should feel the same) so strange collapsing cases should be handled now.

Ground voxel stability has been rewritten as well, but some issues with ground voxels randomly collapsing are still present in existing settlements. The good news is that this will not occur in the newly created settlements.

The new building system should be integrated just by loading your existing save. Some strange stuff will happen because of this, but it’s going to happen only once (the first time when you load the save on the new version) so heads up:
  • Fuel buildings like torches my load as on and 100% fueled. ːsteamsadː
  • Windows and doors might load as open. ːsteamsadː
  • Windows and doors marked for opening/closing/locking will load with no order on them. ːsteamsadː
  • Buildings with less than max HP will magically repair themselves. ːsteamhappyː

And this is not the only refactoring we’ve done…

Humanoid Refactor

We have refactored the way humans in the game work. This is done so we can turn any NPC into any other NPC. So, a prisoner can become an enemy, an enemy can become a settler, a settler can become an NPC etc.
  • This means that all NPCs have the same skills, perks and attributes as settlers.
  • Stuff will influence NPCs, the same way it influences your settlers. Like before when it rained, your settlers would get debuffs for archery but enemies would not. This is not the case anymore.

With that being said, here is the list of new things in the game.

New Structures

  • Wood Gate, Ornate Gate (Defensive Structures 2 in the Research window, appears in the Base building category).
  • Wood Gate Tall, Ornate Gate Tall (Defensive Structures 3 in the Research window, appears in the Base building category).
  • Portcullis (Defensive Structures 3 in the Research window, appears in the Base building category).
  • Gallows (Appears in the Misc building category) - Used for organizing hanging events.
  • Prison Cell Marker (Appears in the Misc building category) - Used to turn a room into a prison cell.
  • Prisoner’s Stash (Appears in the Misc building category) - Used to turn a room into a prison cell, to feed prisoners and give them beverages if you want.
  • Wardens Desk (Furniture 4 in the Research window, appears in the Furniture building category) - The settler that is going to be the Warden needs to have this desk in their room.

Some of you are probably disappointed by the lack of drawbridges, but do not worry - they will come later on. Right now the biggest problem with the logic of drawbridges is enemies and their way of targeting entry points, but we’ll write about that in one of our talks when we get closer to it. Pinky promise.

New Item

  • Shackles (Created at the Blacksmith’s Forge) - Used for shackling prisoners in order to take them via caravan. Also needed for prisoners to become captive labourers.

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Candles and Braziers are added to Great Hall room requirements as heat sources.
  • Events that were ended/canceled during the gathering phase end without penalty.
  • Events should occur more frequently now. As we added more and more different events, the "none" event (where nothing happens) became a bit more common in occurrence (and boring) so that’s rebalanced now. If after 60 days an event was not triggered, the chance of it happening increases x10 (x20 for a new settler event). After the event occurs, their chance is reverted to the initial value and then the process repeats.
  • Added Perk icons to the character creator list.
  • Doors, Gates, and Tall Gates have variant shapes, too.

Known issues

  • If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to turn off V-sync and cap the game's FPS in the game's options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.
  • Assigned Pets don't sleep with their owners.
  • Some items are missing icons and localisation values.
  • Some items and resources are missing localization values and icons in the stockpile management UI.
  • Player-triggered events don't have sound effects.
  • Settlers will not refuel torches if there is no floor/ground beneath them.
  • Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.

⚠️DISCLAIMER:⚠️ The experimental and the main branch have the same version of the game. However, on the experimental branch, we decided to keep Dev version of the game, and that means that a Dev log with red text will appear from time to time. This will help us get more info from your side when crashes and bug reports occur. If you are annoyed by this, please switch to the main branch to experience the game without the red text.

That would be all for the official update notes. New patches and improvements will be deployed accordingly. In the meantime, feel free to post your experience regarding the new update on Steam discussions. If you want more dynamic/direct communication - head over to our Discord server. Even though we might not reply, we are reading everything.

Foxy Voxel

Follow us on Twitter: @going_medieval
We are on TikTok, too: @going.medieval
Our Facebook: Foxy Voxel

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Release:01.06.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: Foxy Voxel Vertrieb: The Irregular Corporation Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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