Bugs and Fixes
- Fixed several crash occurrences.
- Fixed the appearance of errors in regards to stockpile.
- Fixed various issues with water not behaving as expected. Situations where water would remember obstacle shapes if after those obstacles are destroyed, and situations where the river would continue with its flow, despite being cut off from the river source should be solved by this. This should also solve some accidental flooding.
NOTE: Flooding will still occur if you build a dam and block the river from reaching its outflow point.
Known issues:
- Having underwater grated doors might confuse the enemy AI resulting in enemies just standing at the edge of the map.
- If your settlers are experiencing weird animations with some actions, be sure to turn off V-sync and cap the game's FPS in the game's options. Cap it to 60fps. If the issue persists, cap it at 30.
- Assigned Pets don't sleep with owners.
- Some text keys are still not translated.
- Player-triggered events don't have sound effects
- Settlers will not refuel torches if there is no floor/ground beneath them.
- Settlers will not choose the closest production building (if there are more of the same type), but the one that has a production set first in the global list of productions.
⚠️ We decided to keep Dev version of the game on the experimental branch, and that means that a Dev log with red text will appear from time to time. This will help us get more info from your side when crashes and bug reports occur.
⚠️ Also, at the moment, the experimental and the main branch are different. You should not play saves from the experimental branch on the main one as it can cause various bugs - please avoid doing this.
As always, use F10 and/or the experimental bug subforum for reporting experimental issues. If you want more dynamic/direct communication - head over to our Discord server. Even though we might not reply, we are reading everything. Thank you!
Foxy Voxel