- Drunk trait now gives -20 opinion to religious and family heads, down from -40
- Water shrines now give 2 money per water tile in the city instead of 10 per nets improvement (from previous test branch update)
- Added turn delay to most event options with random traits or relationships
- Loading and exiting a team cloud game without changing the game state no longer locks the turn
- Reimplemented Rally Defense to be more robust for mods
- Suppressed Modio errors (i.e. Invalid Token) on game start
- Shrine improvement pings can now be placed even if shrine already exists
- Characters in mission target lists now sorted by importance
- Made contact event truce flags more consistent in event options
- Religion icon now shown on unit production buttons when applicable
- Simplified religion tooltips
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed religious improvements being affected by other religions theologies
- Fixed yield preview overlays getting stuck
- Fixed ally declared war event trigger
- Fixed monitor option setting
- Timeline screen map now only shows city borders that player currently has visibility of. This fixes a bug where unrevealed borders could be shown.
- Text and event fixes