Test Branch 1.0.75158 Test 2024-11-27
- Difficulty rename:
- The Advanced Difficulty setting is now called Prosperity
- The Simple Difficulty presets remain as they were
- Difficulty components are grouped together and indented under difficulty mode in the game parameters tooltip
- Difficulty will be listed as Custom for combinations outside of the simple difficulty presets
- Distant raids are now tied to Tribe Level instead of Difficulty
- Alliance victory is now an setup option, default is off
- Ask to Declare War mission disabled for allies
- Upgrading a unit now keeps its fortification state
- Gifting, converting, hiring, or recruiting a unit can no longer result in it being in territory where it should not be
- Can now upgrade units inside your team's cities, even if they are not your own cities
- Vizier courtiers are no longer giftable in MP
- Improved replay so that it still works if there is data only from the current turn
- AI performance optimization
- Added more logging for AI unit priority comparison failure
- Character tooltips no longer show trait effects
- All attacks now listed under Units Attacked notifications (previously kills were not shown)
- Free promotions are now indicated in the city production list and unit type tooltip
- Death of governor decision now auto-invalidates if the city can no longer have a governor
- Defeat status now shown when the active player is eliminated in MP even if the game is still ongoing
- Event browser story preview improvements
- Law strategy notes updated
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed invalid moves adding undo points
- Fixed some events failing to appear with the Ruthless AI setting enabled
- Fixed player connection state UI for single-player network games
- Fixed Thracians in Learn to Play 4 being visible before they should be
- Fixed unit widgets failing to display icon and shapes not included in their respective default sprite atlases (affects mods)
- Fixed server games preventing eliminated players from joining one last time to see what happened, and for the game to be saved locally as a loss
- Fixed bug where client could be in a different language to the active player
- Fixed Hall of Fame bug where regenerating was replacing Scenario specific text with Generic game text for Nation, Leader names, and Difficulty
- Fixed Hall of Fame difficulty sorting
- Fixed network messages being sent out of order
- Fixed character suffix bug where a ruler would get the II suffix if a parent had the same name but never was a ruler
- Fixed achievement text that referred to Kushite Cavalry instead of Mounted Lancers
- Fixed Ten Crowns achievement incorrectly counting regents twice
- Fixed Rise of Carthage scenario 2 goals sometimes not getting offered
- Fixed Rise of Carthage starting heirs not being Royal and therefore not tutorable
- Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 2 event triggering multiple times
- Text and Event fixes