- Added new victory point setting: Very High. This increases the VP required for winning by 50%. The previous High setting now increases the VP required by 25%.
- Sages no longer have +25% science in their seat
- Patrons now get a +25% city culture bonus per Precious Resource instead of the flat +4. Patrons seat now gets 2 happiness levels per culture event instead of 1.
- Events giving a free siege unit will now give an Onager instead of a Ballista if the player has not yet researched Hydraulics
- Can no longer invalidate an ambition offer just by getting a bit closer during the turn in which it was offered
- Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 tweaks - boost science and units on Easy difficulty and limit Persian tech. Persia can no longer build ships.
- Ship build water area now takes priority over city territory (ships will spawn in selected ocean even if there is no space within player borders)
- Event trait delay no longer happens when there is no undo
- Swapped names of Persian Cleric and Rider families (for historical accuracy)
- Changed improvement adjacency requirements to be fulfilled in team territory, to be consistent with adjacency bonuses
- Portrait Editor now automatically attempts to regenerate portraits without feature points
- Network connection improvements
- AI saves yields for Wonders less aggressively
- Adjusted mapping between portrait ages and rendered portraits. This lowers the apparent age of characters portraits when using Portrait Age Interpolation.
- Character name is now always show in character help tooltip to give a link for selection
- Player option to follow moves of AI at war no longer includes civilian units
- Added target/prereq icons to techs tooltip while hovering over tech tree button
- Killed unit log entry now includes the killed unit's promotions
- Added reminders for clergy missions
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed some team contact issues
- Fixed a movement bug where you could spend orders but not complete the entire move
- Fixed mixed language text appearing in cloud games
- Fixed difficulty dropdown in SP advanced setup
- Fixed tribes entering their own camp getting credit for capturing a settlement
- Fixed highlighted tiles for selected Disciples
- Fixed human development not applying due to defaults
- Fixed empty parenthesis on trait loss when no ratings change involved
- Fixed some button links still activating on click
- Fixed some settings getting reverted to default
- Development fix in event editor
- Portrait Editor fixes
- Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 fixes
- Fixed Rome over expanding in Learn to Play 5
- Fixed raiders sometimes not raiding
- Fixed missing option defaults in Safe Mode
- Fixed hotkey rebinding in Safe Mode
- Fixed tooltip locking on inheritance screen
- Fixed some cases where border preview showed the wrong color
- Fixed tooltip positioning issues
- Fixed missing UI elements in Carthage and Pharaohs scenarios
- Fixed Exodus events not triggering in Pharaohs scenario 5 when loading from a save
- Fixed road pathfinder error when used on tiles where roads cannot be built
- Fixed two character different character portraits actually referring to the same art
- Text and event fixes