- More Archipelago map script changes, large islands are bigger and added Water Size map option
- Most missions that can result in an event no longer do so on Minimal event level
- Recommended builds performance optimization
- The power/knowledge display is now unambiguous in who it refers to
- Help text for the spread religion option now shows yields that will be gained (from the Oracle, Tolerance etc)
- Improved display of dropdowns on setup screen when scrolling
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed Alt key sometimes getting stuck down, preventing keyboard shortcuts from working correctly
- Fixed city screen recommendation assert errors
- Fixed Arid Plateau random map settings
- Fixed councilors not being selectable if slot is disabled (i.e. Spymasters after Agrippina dies)
- Fixed city sort issues
- Fixed city build recommendations and improvement ping icons not always updating immediately
- Fixed lateral and dynastic succession when the founder is not related to the current leader
- Fixed leader tooltip not locking on timeline screen
- Text and event fixes