Headline changes
- New game setting for player starting development in MP and new Victory Point setting option
- Balance changes to bonus tech cards, families and dynasties
- Lowered apparent age of character portraits when using portrait interpolation
- 9 new events
- Added per player Development setting to multiplayer setup. All players, Human and AI, can have their own development setting, which gives additional starting cities and techs.
- Added new victory point setting: Very High. This increases the VP required for winning by 50%. The previous High setting now increases the VP required by 25%.
- Bonus tech cards position and cost in the tech tree reorganized
- Free units now unlocked on a different tech than the one that would allow that unit to be built. Free Longbowmen, Crossbowmen and Dromon cards now grant 2 units.
- Rider family seat now gives 1 Order / turn
- Sages no longer have +25% science in their seat
- Patrons now get a +25% city culture bonus per Precious Resource instead of the flat +4. Patrons seat now gets 2 happiness levels per culture event instead of 1.
- Khufu's wonder cost reduction lowered from 50% to 25% (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Marius' enrolment post now gives -25% for warriors only instead of all infantry, training cost for project removed. Sulla now more likely to cause Marius problems. (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Hannibal now gets -20 family opinions and an increased legitimacy penalty in some Hannibal specific events (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Added preferred families for more dynasty leaders (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Sulla's Dictator trait now included in Terrifying trait group (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Agrippina unlocking a spymaster is now tied to a trait, the current one will stay if she dies but a new one cannot be appointed (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Legitimacy cost for adoption reduced from 4 to 2
- Miserable trait has a chance per turn of being removed
- Competitive mode back to giving a flat rate of science, civics, training, and money
- Improved city site resource placement so that it is less likely that one of them is unreachable
- Old World pre-made map tweaks. Extended map one tile north, fixed some resources and ruins that were out of borders. Added Lavender to several locations on map.
- You can now shift-click a law to abolish it without replacing it. This will increase the cost of establishing a law in that pair by 100.
- When moving allied units, the moving player now gets exploration and ruins yields instead of the unit owner. Moving allied units can no longer trigger events.
- Events giving a free siege unit will now give an Onager instead of a Ballista if the player has not yet researched Hydraulics
- Can no longer invalidate an ambition offer just by getting a bit closer during the turn in which it was offered
- Event trait delay no longer happens when there is no undo
- Swapped names of Persian Cleric and Rider families (for historical accuracy)
- Changed improvement adjacency requirements to be fulfilled in team territory, to be consistent with adjacency bonuses
- Improved scaling of diplomatic event chance with number of AIs
- Marriage events now only occur for the leader and their children
- Added Greedy to Seven Sins trait group and removed Extravagant
- Removed turn delay on more event bonuses when No Undo is enabled
- Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 tweaks - boost science and units on Easy difficulty and limit Persian tech. Persia can no longer build ships. Parsa renamed to Persepolis
New Events
- A More Disciplined Approach
- Battle Diary
- Emergency War Taxes
- Enough Missiles to Block the Sun
- Learning From Our Mistakes
- Masquerade
- Taking the Reins
- The Fluffy Bunny
- Whispers from the Gods
- Worker AI improvements
- AI saves yields for Wonders less aggressively, allowing them to spend more developing their economy
- Improved AI consideration for connecting its cities to foreign cities
- AI no longer spends orders to place military units on city sites when it has not yet met any opponents
- AI now purposely builds ships in specific water areas, like humans can
- Moved map scripts to their own folder
- Network code cleanup
- Adjusted character portrait selection to be more likely to choose same portraits if characters' age difference is large, all else being equal
- Fallback for DLL mods that fail to load. A message will be shown and mods disabled.
- Map files now support DynastySites in the tile data. Mods can append nation start tiles to premade maps
- Hotseat with one human player now behaves like single player for achievements, save files, discord, death with no heir, tutorial, hall of fame, etc
- Portrait Editor now automatically attempts to regenerate portraits without feature points
- Network connection improvements
- Dynasty start sites are now definable directly in map files
- Removed explicit construction states asset definitions for wonders that shouldn't have one
- Adjusted mapping between portrait ages and rendered portraits. This lowers the apparent age of characters portraits when using Portrait Age Interpolation.
- Clicking a link within a mission button will activate the mission rather than opening the link
- Popups and tooltips now have scrollbars when needed, will no longer make text smaller to fit
- Adjusted floating text to better accommodate some bonuses
- HUD changes to prevent overlap. Research is now centered according to the other HUD elements rather than the center of the screen
- Added founded turn to city sort. This was always the default sort and can now be selected again after changing the sort order
- City screen (F7) now applies default founding turn sort when clicking the city name column
- Added connected icon to cities tab
- Moved family/religion actions to bottom of selection panel
- Added per-culture level limits to improvement Encyclopedia entries
- Ships show a text status while anchoring
- Raider unit tooltips now show original tribe
- Unit tooltips now show original unit owner
- Improvements to unit range tooltips. Fixed range now indicated in the unit's tooltip
- Improvement yield modifiers are shown even if they sum to zero
- Trait gain / loss bonus helptext now shows yield change for traits with leader effects
- Added popup for when connection is restored in network multiplayer
- Changed Mod Browser resources link to Modding Guide page
- Added button with link to documentation to Portrait Editor
- Added Turns to Hall of Fame and allowed sorting by Legitimacy, VPs, Turns and Ambitions
- Show character subject requirements in red when no valid characters found for a mission
- Allow deselection on inheritance screen by clicking background
- Aligned ping popup dropdown/input field
- Added a hint about customizing opponent player parameters in a single player game
- Former regents now included in turn summary
- Improvement helptext displays when max improvement count is 1 for a city
- Updated National Alliance helptext to include that players can move and attack with allied units
- Added descriptions to Make Clergy and Pagan Sacrifice missions
- Add Road button now shown on invalid terrain
- Wonders now shown on city Improvements tooltip
- Negative penalty for missing family luxuries shown on send luxury to family button
- Added email reminder to non-strict turnstyle team server and cloud games for the last player to take their turn
- Added unsubscribe instructions to multiplayer turn emails
- Mod browser speed improvements
- Display the build's date in unambiguous international format instead of American
- Character name is now always show in character help tooltip to give a link for selection
- Player option to follow moves of AI at war no longer includes civilian units
- Added target/prereq icons to techs tooltip while hovering over tech tree button
- Killed unit log entry now includes the killed unit's promotions
- Added reminders for clergy missions
- Research choice event no longer appears. Research popup shown on trying to end turn without having selected anything to research.
- Map Editor now handles setting DynastySites for defining where a dynasty will start from
- Improved Hall of Fame column header formatting
- Improved tooltip for heir naming options
- Renamed Enlist Next to Enlist Next Kill
- Units that level up no longer wake up. This fixes auto-heal getting canceled on level up.
Bugs Fixed
- Ship build water area now takes priority over city territory
- Fixed units incorrectly advancing when rout not possible
- Fixed event level not being visible in scenario MP screen
- Fixed missing Resource density, city site density, and city site number options on some map scripts
- Fixed some mod load/unload issues
- Fixed DLL mods not shutting down when loading a save in-game
- Mod assemblies are now reference counted to fix DLL load/unload issues
- Fixed inconsistent header sizing on tab panel
- Fixed unit action buttons not appearing for units of allied nations
- Fix tile yield calculation with maiYieldRateSpecialistUrban only getting counted once per EffectCity
- Fixed assert error in Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5
- Fixed double mission display in Hero tooltip with Shammuramat selected (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Fixed unit harvest tooltip to display yields gained for allied units
- Fixed initialization of mod browser scrollbar on manage mod list.
- Fixed clicking some input fields (text ping, bug report screen) selecting all text
- Fixed settlement religion icon update on undo
- Fixed bug where raiders could raid the wrong player
- Fixed fortification bar for AI units showing even when they are moving
- Fixed leader background not being updated when switching due to premade map
- Fixed heir naming popup title
- Fixed overlap on dynasty portraits in SP setup
- Fixed free ships spawning on smaller bodies of water when a larger one is available
- Fixed missing options menu tooltips
- Fixed city luxury list tooltip not appearing
- Fixed an AI-related UI assert
- Fixed an assert for automated human units
- Fixed leader tooltip overlap with actions menu
- Fixed dynasty dropdowns not populating correctly on scenario setup screen
- Fixed decision update bug for MP games
- Fixed assign general audio level
- Fixed some team contact issues
- Fixed a movement bug where you could spend orders but not complete the entire move
- Fixed mixed language text appearing in cloud games
- Fixed difficulty dropdown in SP advanced setup
- Fixed tribes entering their own camp getting credit for capturing a settlement
- Fixed highlighted tiles for selected Disciples
- Fixed human development not applying due to defaults
- Fixed empty parenthesis on trait loss when no ratings change involved
- Fixed some button links still activating on click
- Fixed some settings getting reverted to default
- Development fix in event editor
- Portrait Editor fixes
- Heroes of the Aegean scenario 5 fixes
- Fixed Rome over expanding in Learn to Play 5
- Fixed raiders sometimes not raiding
- Fixed missing option defaults in Safe Mode
- Fixed hotkey rebinding in Safe Mode
- Fixed tooltip locking on inheritance screen
- Fixed some cases where border preview showed the wrong color
- Fixed tooltip positioning issues
- Fixed missing UI elements in Carthage and Pharaohs scenarios
- Fixed Exodus events not triggering in Pharaohs scenario 5 when loading from a save
- Fixed road pathfinder error when used on tiles where roads cannot be built
- Fixed two character different character portraits actually referring to the same art
- Fixed clergy reminder text reference
- Fixed network multiplayer with non-internal mods
- Fixed an issue with loading modded games for network play
- Fixed issue with premade maps where all dynasty sites were given to an AI nation rather than random city sites based on development
- Fixed some button clicks not triggering button audio
- Fixed errors on leader selection screen after coming from the scenario selection screen
- Fixed single player start menu sometimes not showing character portraits
- Fixed an issue with the way player starting tiles are picked to include any dynasty starting tiles
- Fixed automated icon showing on city list
- Fixed free extra action effectUnit load/save inconsistency
- Fixed mod error notification when no mods loaded
- Fixed null exception on shutdown in hotkey manager
- Fixed yield modifier bug
- Fixed invalid index exception
- Fixed text preventing tooltips from locking in some cases
- Fixed tooltips incorrectly stating that the Pious trait increases the chance of a pagan religion spreading
- Fixed techs being able to give invalid bonuses i.e. courtiers in No Characters mode
- Fixed Capture Buhen goal in Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 1 not triggering when moving a unit into the city when it has no HP
- City tooltip fixes
- Added Victory point level backwards compatibility (so that existing games don't have their VPs changed)
- Default AI Dynasties option is hidden when No Characters is enabled
- Text and event fixes