- Growth required for next citizen now increases quadratically after 20 growths. This makes very large population cities harder to achieve
- Moved some hardcoded AI parameters to globalsAI.xml for use by modders
- All characters now have a mission to allow manually pinning and unpinning them to/from the notable characters list
- Ambitions with multiple yield types now show yield progress in the same order as defined in the ambition
- Improvements to culture tooltips
- Context menus are no longer closed when clicking on a locked tooltip
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed diplomatic missions in No Events mode
- Fixed clicking on city widget selecting units first
- Fixed click issues with family seat icon and city healthbar
- Fixed display of units in stacks
- Fixed popups not always closing when the active player changes in hotseat
- Fixed improvement recommendations showing on tiles with recommended improvement already started
- Fixed pagan religion founding notification getting sent to all players (introduced in last test)
- Fixed issue with religion founding game log
- Fixed warrior built event not popping automatically in Learn to Play 2
- Fixed character filter lists not updating immediately
- Fixed errors occuring when rapidly scrolling lists
- Fixed double-submit in file browser when input field is focused
- Fixed nested link in tutor mission links
- Text and event fixes