- Bonus tech cards position and cost in the tech tree reorganized
- Free units now unlocked on a different tech than the one that would allow that unit to be built. Free Longbowmen, Crossbowmen and Dromon cards now grant 2 units.
- Improved scaling of diplomatic event chance with number of AIs
- Marriage events now only occur for the leader and their children
- Added Greedy to Seven Sins trait group and removed Extravagant
- Removed turn delay on more event bonuses when No Undo is enabled
New Events
- A More Disciplined Approach
- Battle Diary
- Emergency War Taxes
- Enough Missiles to Block the Sun
- Learning From Our Mistakes
- Masquerade
- Taking the Reins
- The Fluffy Bunny
- Whispers from the Gods
- Worker AI improvements
- Improved AI consideration for connecting its cities to foreign cities
- AI no longer spends orders to place military units on city sites when it has not yet met any opponents
- Removed explicit construction states asset definitions for wonders that shouldn't have one
- Research choice event no longer appears. Research popup shown on trying to end turn without having selected anything to research.
- Map Editor now handles setting DynastySites for defining where a dynasty will start from
- Improved Hall of Fame column header formatting
- Improved tooltip for heir naming options
- Renamed Enlist Next to Enlist Next Kill
- Units that level up no longer wake up. This fixes auto-heal getting canceled on level up.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed clergy reminder text reference
- Fixed network multiplayer with non-internal mods
- Fixed an issue with loading modded games for network play
- Fixed issue with premade maps where all dynasty sites were given to an AI nation rather than random city sites based on development
- Fixed some button clicks not triggering button audio
- Fixed errors on leader selection screen after coming from the scenario selection screen
- Fixed single player start menu sometimes not showing character portraits
- Fixed an issue with the way player starting tiles are picked to include any dynasty starting tiles
- Fixed automated icon showing on city list
- Fixed free extra action effectUnit load/save inconsistency
- Fixed mod error notification when no mods loaded
- Fixed null exception on shutdown in hotkey manager
- Fixed yield modifier bug
- Fixed invalid index exception
- Fixed text preventing tooltips from locking in some cases
- Fixed tooltips incorrectly stating that the Pious trait increases the chance of a pagan religion spreading
- Fixed techs being able to give invalid bonuses i.e. courtiers in No Characters mode
- Fixed Capture Buhen goal in Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 1 not triggering when moving a unit into the city when it has no HP
- City tooltip fixes
- Added Victory point level backwards compatibility (so that existing games don't have their VPs changed)
- Default AI Dynasties option is hidden when No Characters is enabled
- Text and event fixes