- Game of the Week Event Level now has a 4% chance to be each of the non-default settings
- Growth required for next citizen now increases quadratically after 20 growths. This makes very large population cities harder to achieve
- Revelry and Seek Political Allies missions more likely to succeed (Behind the Throne)
- Lowered Growth bonus for Rising Star governors from 50% to 25% (Behind the Throne)
- Major Unity version upgrade (2021.3.34f1 to 2022.3.39f1)
- AI performance and behavior improvements
- Improved the rare case of the AI defending a city when the city's territory is divided in multiple parts by a mountain range
- Exposed minimum turn for 1 city ambitions to XML for use by modders
- Moved some hardcoded AI parameters to globalsAI.xml for use by modders
- Added Notable Characters filter. All characters now have a mission to allow manually pinning and unpinning them to/from the notable characters list
- Added player notification when their previously hidden units become visible
- Converting a cloud game into a network game now removes it from the cloud so that there is only one active instance
- No longer possible to convert a network game to cloud if there are any unclaimed player slots
- MP setup screen now has an Advanced Settings header instead of hiding them behind a toggle
- Improved tooltip for specialist luxuries
- Per-specialist and per-religion yields are no longer considered "potential" bonuses in effectCity help text
- Added Game of the Week icon to Hall of Fame games
- Game credits updates
- Ambitions with multiple yield types now show yield progress in the same order as defined in the ambition
- Improvements to culture tooltips
- Context menus are no longer closed when clicking on a locked tooltip
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed diplomatic missions in No Events mode
- Fixed GIF export path on Mac and Linux
- Fixed date completed not populating Hall of Fame entry when game completed
- Fixed some scenario leader names not displaying correctly in Hall of Fame
- Fixed some completed games being excluded from Hall of Fame
- Fixed Alliance Victory display in Hall of Fame
- Fixed AI assert
- Fixed AI thinking it cannot occupy a city tile with both land and water units
- Fixed opinion rates appearing over multiple lines in tab panels
- Fixed client assert on load
- Fixed invalid player index
- Fixed hotseat turn state button refresh
- Fixed hotseat selection issue on player switch
- Fixed MP join screen for teams with many players
- Fixed turn button label text in MP
- Fixed incorrect religion/city colors in turn summary
- Fixed general character tooltip not locking from unit widget archetype icon
- Fixed inconsistent ESC key behavior on scenario screen
- Fixed AI saying they refuse to declare war when they are already at war
- Fixed possible resources on urban terrain with mirror maps
- Fixed unit selection causing flickering on adjacent objects
- Fixed clicking on city widget selecting units first
- Fixed click issues with family seat icon and city healthbar
- Fixed display of units in stacks
- Fixed popups not always closing when the active player changes in hotseat
- Fixed improvement recommendations showing on tiles with recommended improvement already started
- Fixed issue with religion founding game log
- Fixed warrior built event not popping automatically in Learn to Play 2
- Fixed character filter lists not updating immediately
- Fixed errors occuring when rapidly scrolling lists
- Fixed double-submit in file browser when input field is focused
- Fixed nested link in tutor mission links
- Fixed Pharaohs of the Nile scenario 2 bug where Libyan raid could spawn directly at player city (Pharaohs of the Nile)
- Fixed rare Jerwan Aqueduct bug (Wonders and Dynasties)
- Text and event fixes