- Engine upgraded to Unreal Engine 5
- New Overlay Settings and notification options
- Changes to copy/paste
- Behavior editor and instruction updates
- Tutorial overhaul
- Many more updates and fixes
- Modding updates
- Some known issues we're still working on
As usual, best to make a backup of your saves and be sure to post any feedback if you tried it! Thanks for playing!

- Engine was upgrade from Unreal Engine 4 to 5, this brings a whole lot of internal changes
- New global illuminations and reflections as well as overall changes to the lighting
- System requirements (both minimum and recommended) should not change even with the engine upgrade
- Still performance might be different depending on system specs, work continues to improve performance even more
- Save games should be fully compatible back and forth between the new and old engine. But as always with experimental builds unforeseen complications might come up, it is advised to back up your save data.
- Game options are also shared between old and new versions. If you notice any issues with it, please report them on the Discord.

- Added "Overlay Settings" menu, accessable from button underneath minimap with detailed customizations for what unit connections, state icons or health bars are shown
- Added a "Stale Order" state icon on units waiting a long time for an order
- Added a "Inefficient" state icon on units that run at less than 100% power efficiency
- Added a "Running Behavior" state icon on units with a running behavior controller (off by default)
- Added state icons for logistics settings "Connected", "Disconnected", "High Priority" and "Transfer Route" (off by default)
- Added optional showing of unit connection lines for "Power Transmitters" and "Teleporters"
- Allow individual toggling of showing unit connections globally or only for selected entities
- Give health bars a different outline color depending on the faction of the unit and the local factions trust levels towards it
- Notifications can be toggled off by type under Options -> Game

- Removed distinction between "Copy inside the game" and "Copy to clipboard". Now when copying anything with the C/V shortcut keys it will be in your operating system clipboard and can be easily shared online.
- Support copy/pasting registers with C/V keys while hovering over a register or value, including the ability to paste a copied unit onto a production register
- Show "Last Copied" blueprint in production selection as well as build view (and also in construction/production nodes in the behavior editor).This includes blueprint codes copied from outside the game.

- Added a "pin" to Control Center optionally allowing it to stay on screen
- Show shields separate from batteries in Power tab of Control Center
- Added "Select all" in the units tab of the control center
- Added logistic filters for units in control center
- Made left-click on frame icon open the Control Center order list with "only related to selected unit" checked

- Editor: Support ctrl+click and multi selection with dragging.
- Editor: Ctrl+drag copies original data to new instruction
- Editor: Draw lines that loop back to the same row above that row instead of the top of the behavior
- Editor: Added library of templates and examples as an introduction to behaviors
- Added new "Is Unlocked" instruction (Checks whether a faction has an item unlocked)
- Added new "Get Season" instructions (Divert program depending on season)
- Added new "Compare Register" instruction (Compares Registers for equality)
- Added new "Get Shield" instruction (Get a unit's shield as a percentage, current remaining and max amount)
- Fix component check on "Can Produce" instruction
- Fix "First Item" instruction when processing a unit without inventory (i.e. wall or beacon)
- Fix for override items not handled properly in "Solve Explorable" instruction

- Longer tutorial covering more topics
- Yellow highlights and popups to help guide the user to the next step
- Improved descriptions and more pictures to help with understanding
- Various UI is hidden and only revealed when first needed

- Prepared support for dedicated servers, the dedicated server package will be released soon
- Show a window in the UI in multiplayer when catching up the game simulation with the server
- Improve speed of downloading map state from the server when joining by switching from RPC to custom data transfer channel
- Allow "Alien Soldier" to be searchable with the Radar component using the "Alien" filter
- Change number input interface on registers/arguments that allow negative numbers
- Allow inputting of negative number on unit base registers as well as behavior parameter registers
- Modify order of items listed in the register selection (order by category, then tech race, and last alphabetically by internal id)
- Added infinite button to register selection window
- Add "Flying Unit Only" setting to logistics network options. If both "Flying Unit Only" and "Item Transporter Only" are checked, either flying or transporters can do an order.
- When a building has "Item Transporter Only" set, remove the special treatment to ignore the setting for manual orders to/from bots.
- Remove efficiency bar, change health/power bar to show numbers inside the bar, show battery storage instead of efficiency (details still available in tooltip when hovering mouse over the bar)
- Show info box with health/power state on construction sites
- Add "Center Camera" and "Show Orders" option to right-click context menu on units
- Drones no longer need to be tethered to a drone hub or produced as packages to work more like other units
- Blueprint support for flying units such as drones
- Clicking again on an already selected item in the register selection window does a +1
- Allow construction of foundations under buildings and walls
- Charge batteries shield components first before batteries
- Removed second Drop Pod when deploying
- Changed rules of netwalk puzzle to only require lamps to be lit not all tiles be connected to the grid (to match what a player might assume based on the visual representation of the puzzle)
- Added option to hide categories in the resource bar on the top of the screen
- Remember unit shortcut groups per faction so switching the local player faction doesn't lose them
- Changed "Power Grid" to be referred to as "Logistics Network", changed map overlay texture (with overlay by pressing "P")
- Add -GameSettings and -SessionSettings command line option to start up a specific scenario or directly host a multiplayer session from the command line (documentation to be written)
- Allow auto save time to be set via -AutoSaveMinutes=X on the command line
- Add shift + double click to select multiple nearby units of the same type
- New camera views for the main menu background
- Show current server name and more server settings when playing multiplayer in the in-game menu

- Visual fix for gates on low detail setting
- Update broken mothership/explorer repair user interface
- Limit building name length to 16 characters
- Trilobyte no longer able to eat foundations
- Fix Trilobyte sometimes not processing item it has picked up
- When closing the game while the video options are opened, revert any video mode settings that haven't explicitly been applied
- When closing the game while the video options are opened, avoid crash if there are unapplied complex video options (i.e. HDR)
- Multiplayer going out-of-sync fix for when multiple drones moved through each other
- Human story mission, more fixes to stop the mission getting stuck / allow steps to be skipped if explorable already acquired by various other means / already had the 20 particles when accessing the human building for the first time when using "Connect"
- Fix Deployer component on a building with a crane not being able to deploy a building larger than 1x1 at positions to the left and top of the crane building
- Fixed outline width when DLSS is enabled
- Fix moving component between different sockets not properly moving any active effects with it (i.e. shield components)
- Save Gamma setting
- Don't show ingredients on upgrade construction sites with negative numbers if there were more materials than needed in the building that gets upgraded
- Fix image of tech in research queue showing vertically stretched when the list of unlock icons wrap onto a second line
- Fix applying settings to multiple units only applying the settings fully to the first selected unit
- Sort items in the resource bar that have equal amount alphabetically by id instead of reverse alphabetical
- Fix for miner range to include visibility modules

- Generate a Lua Language Server library file which enables Lua code assist and analysis in VS Code (see documentation on the modding wiki)
- Add Lua functionality UI.FindWidgetWithProperty and UI.FindWidgetsWithProperty to easily find any widget currently on screen
- Add optional entity filter argument to faction:GetActiveOrders function
- Add new function faction:GetNumActiveOrders also with optional entity filter
- Fix UI.FindWidget/UI.FindWidgets which were unable to find widgets with a custom layout tag
- Make entity.power_grid_index look up the power grid by tile location if the entity itself is unpowered
- Add entity.battery_stored and entity.battery_total getters
- Allow :Add to be called with a widget that is already attached to something and have it switch parents without calling destruct/construct again on the widget

- Units can become very blurry (especially on lower frame rates) when moving while the anti-aliasing method is set to "TemporalAA"
- On certain AMD cards and driver versions, resources and foliage in the center of the screen sometimes become invisible depending on view-angle or zoom level
- NVidia advanced DLSS feature "Frame Generation" is available again, though there is an issue with map overlay icons which still needs to be resolved
- Translations into languages other than English have not been done for any new and modified text and will show as English on all languages
- Hovering the mouse over a unit makes construction sites glow
The main aim of the experimental branch is for the bravest and most inquisitive among you to get a first-hand experience of the latest game changes and share your impressions with us.
Additionally, you can share your experiences within the community.
How to activate the experimental branch:
- Right-click on Desynced in your Steam library
- Properties => Betas => Beta Participation => Experimental Branch
Please note that if you want to return to the regular version of the game, you'll need to switch back to 'None' in this menu.