Now, we're pleased to introduce these enhancements to the main game, designed to improve the experience for all our players. Let's take a closer look at what this update offers!

- To fill your gameplay with the spirit of Christmas, we've created a mod with Christmas-themed items. You should give it a try!
We'd love to see your screenshots – share them on social media with the hashtag #Desynced

- Search bar to save menu: For players with a multitude of save files or those who enjoy exploring friends' saved games, this addition ensures easy navigation and prevents you from getting overwhelmed

- Minimap pins: Bring your map to life by pinpointing key spots with an array of icons. Just beside the Minimap, hit the 'Edit Pins' button, choose an icon that fits the bill, click 'Place new Pin', and then pop it right where it matters on your map!

- Enhanced Building Upgrade System: Now, when you upgrade a structure, all its settings and configurations are seamlessly transferred to the new version. No more resetting preferences post-upgrade – enjoy a smooth transition while upgrading buildings across your entire faction.
Tip: To upgrade a building, hover over it with the desired construction while holding CTRL
User Interface and Quality of Life Improvements:
- Function to BackSpace key to switch to previous selection
- Health bars to multi select
- Tech Research Register Selection
New Features and Functionalities:
- Added index option to equip/unequip instruction to get secondary components
- Added index option to get component parameters
- New Behaviour Commands: Is_Fixed, Is_Equipped
- Behaviour "Place Construction" - now supports rotation and optional building size
- Added virus and blight wall variations

Text and UI Improvements:
- Fix "Infinite Rich" not being shown in the in-game map settings tooltip
- Text fix for photon cannon damage
- Translation fixes and temporary machine language translations for missing tex
- Improved readability of orders list
- Moved storage type to stats area of tooltip
Gameplay and Mechanics Adjustments:
- Updated early built batteries to separate lower grade battery
- Fixes for power calculation
- Make Loop Recipe work with Construction sites and Research
- Stop Phase Plant from damaging units in Peaceful mode
- Added deployer to mining base
- Mission tweak, spawn Anomaly particles while mining blight crystal and not when blight crystal resource has been depleted
- Don't show 'Specified Amount'/'Up to Amount Item' option on Pick Up/Drop Off instruction nodes unless extra options (Item / Amount) have been made visible
- Behavior Instruction Dropoff - Allow dropping of items onto the floor
- Adjusted ambient light curve to make dusk and dawn brighter
- Changed boost for engineer
- Allow scanning for flowers with alien filter
Bug Fixes and Stability Improvements:
- Fix for repairer not moving when it is repairing itself
- Fix for eject button not appearing on mothership when you have already repaired it
- Fix for super old saves that don’t have the anomaly base stored
- Fix for set/get to component with default value for zero value
- Hot fix crash when loading and saving a game
- Fix crash when unpacking a clipboard string containing a complex behavior or blueprint
- Various Lua error fixes
- Fix Deployer component moving closer than needed when acquiring an entity
- Fix behavior parameter register not removing the shown coordinate text when clearing the value
- Fix for bobbing advanced turret
Modding and Customization Support:
- Fix for loading custom materials and textures for modding
- Fix Steam mod list not fully refreshing without a restart
- Fix for crashing if a mod with a custom mesh is missing material definitions
- General Lua cleanup and fixes
Visual and Interface Enhancements:
- Custom item slot backgrounds
- Icon changes for integrated components
- Make control center button glow while it's open
- Fix range visualization effect not moving with entity when spawned while not in camera view
- Changes to minimap following camera
Technical and System Enhancements:
- Fix for units falling off power grid randomly
- Fixed power system data overflow
- Added num_operating_entities for calculating player tech level
- Fix where placing multiple upgrade constructions over multiple existing buildings could reassign registers wrong