Experimental_UE5 0.1.14227
- Enable using holding down attack move (defaults to Q) and then pressing right-click to do a force attack (pressing Q and releasing it without right-clicking still does attack move).
- Remove the separate force attack hotkey (was CTRL+Q).
- Some clarifications in Input options key bindings, better sorting of key bindings
- Fix gates not always orienting themselves correctly with neighboring gates and walls
- Fix manual gate rotation by pressing R if there are walls in both directions
- When requesting items, fix ordering more than one stack into locked item slots
- When requesting items, fix ordering into item slots that already have partial amounts in them
- Prevent making more item requests for components than there are item slots and component sockets
- For effects with only audio and no particle, allow falling back to spawning in the center of the entity visual instead of logging a "Trying to spawn effect on socket but it doesn't exist on mesh" error
- Fix for gate not rendering sometimes