*If you are not adept at using Behavior Scripts and Blueprints, we recommend reviewing previous Scripted Collections first, linked at the bottom of this post.

Author: Godinho
This is literally a robot vacuum cleaner. You can use almost any bot for this, but the tutorial's author, and we also, recommend using Twinbot for this task.
If everything is installed and set up correctly, it will detect anything that is simply lying on the ground using radar, pick it up, and then transport it to the warehouse.
Keep in mind that it will most likely leave the boundaries of the Power Grid and go vacuuming everything around.
Install in Twinbot:
- Small Storage x2
- Behavior Controller
- Scout Radar or Portable Radar
Load the Behavior Script into the Behavior Controller. Don't forget to press Play :)
P1 - Storage, where the vacuum will unload all the 'trash' when its personal storages are full

Behavior Script:

Author: LmaoBot
The colors change depending on what the Fabricator is doing.
Red: No items in input
Yellow: Output is full
Green: Running smoothly


Author: Сухолист
In normal times, it's just a Power Field with a Solar Cell, but if an enemy appears nearby, the Solar Cell will automatically switch to a Small Turret. After the battle ends, the Solar Cell will return to its place, and a Repair Kit will fix any damage.
A very elegant solution for early gameplay.

That's it for today. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out our previous collections, as you will find many more tutorials there that can be useful in developing your factory: