Author: tinnvec
Teams consist of one Leader and at least one Soldier. Beyond that you're pretty free to customize the bots to your needs.
- Set P1 to desired distance to stay away from danger
- Set Visual to PoweredDown to keep Leader from running away immediately
- Required components: Personal Radar, Behavior Controller (Healing recommended too)
- Scans for enemies while scouting
- Enemy buildings and infected bots are broadcast as targets
- Stays P1 distance away from closest danger entity
- Retreats to Home if below 50% health or battery, returning when restored
- Used as retreat point to heal and/or power soldiers as needed
- P2-P5 are for output only and should not be modified by hand

Behavior Script:
- Set P1 to weapon type with number for weapon range
- Required components: Weapon, Behavior Controller
- Attacks any danger in visual range
- Attacks broadcast target of Leader
- Tries to keep between weapon range and 7 range from nearest danger
- Retreats to Leader if below 50% health or battery, returning to battle when restored
- Follows leader at 3 range
- P2 is for output only and should not be modified by hand

Behavior Script:
Starting the team
- Set Store register on Soldiers to Leader (Ctrl + Right Click)
- Clear Leader's Visual register
- Due to minimum 7 range from danger, weapons with 8+ range are best
- Speed is one of the most important attributes of Soldiers, the faster the better to kite enemies
- Bots can get stuck on occasion, this can be any number of reasons but stopping the behavior on the leader, moving them past the stuck spot, and restarting the behavior should work to get them going again
Also, take a look at our previous collections of tutorials. There you will find a detailed guide on using Blueprints and Behavior Scripts, especially if you have never interacted with them before. And feel free to ask any questions in the comments!