Experimental_UE5 0.1.14639
Upgrades and Blueprints
- Make placing a construction site while holding Ctrl always bring up the blueprint editor to allow customization before starting construction
- Placing a construction site while holding Ctrl still can do upgrades
- Combine interface for unit upgrade to be the same as building upgrade (V on the map, then Ctrl+Click on unit to upgrade)
- When trying to place a construction site over an existing building, ask the player if they want to upgrade (and inform about holding Ctrl will do it without a confirmation)
- Make placing a construction site take in any dropped item at the location (as construction ingredients or as inventory)
- Show "Edit" option in right-click menu of construction/upgrade site
- Add new "Upgrade with Copied Settings" option to right-click menu
- Editing of individual building names when editing a multi-blueprint
- Highlight selected unit of multi-blueprint in editor with an outline
- Highlight hovered unit or unit referenced by hovered register in multi-blueprint editor
- Show referenced units in tooltips of registers in blueprint editor
- Enforce locked slots when constructing from a blueprint or upgrade (drop extra items if they cant be held)
- Use "New Multi Blueprint" as the default name for a multi-blueprint
- When editing a unit (via upgrade or "Edit" from the right-click context menu) and the changes don't need a new construction site, just apply the settings in-place without upgrade
- The Human Miner now has a random chance to mine two items of certain resources in a single step
- Open unit context-menu when right-clicking on a unit without a unit selected
- Added new options to multiple unit selection (filter bots/buildings/constructions, mass deconstruction)
- Open active orders when clicking on stale order state icon in lower left info box
- Adding descriptions to discovery technologies (top row in tech tree)
- New "Get Unit Info" and "Get Item Info" instructions to get some static data about items and units
- Add instruction to check if unit is docked and get docked garage
- Added descriptions to human units and buildings
- Add "Reminder: Mods are currently in use, which may not be supported" on feedback form when playing with mods
- Modifications to Human tech tree and recipes (Some items moved to different producers)
- Virus Disruptor also disable the unit being disrupted
- Center the Inventory on unit selection
- Moved explorable and dropped item windows to the bottom center of the screen when selecting them
- Only show the bug spawning notification the first time
- Modified spawning of aggressive mode bugs
- Removed individual battery indicator on component view
- Deleting a library folder will delete everything contained (instead of moving things out)
- Renaming a library folder will only rename the folder on the selected list (blueprints or behaviors)
- Show image of the to be built building in lower left info box of construction site
- Added more garage slots, internal slots and upped speed of human transport
- Show where integrated components are installed when clicking on one in the Power tab of the Control Center
- For items that aren't produced or mined, hide the graph on the item details screen in the Control Center
- Show stats like power on tooltip of integrated components
- Hide tooltip stat "Slot Type" for items and components that that go into the default "Storage" type
- Remember state of Control Center Units tab filters and collapsed categories between closing and opening
- Renamed Human Miner Mech
- Limit manual deconstruction to undamaged units
- Fixed Re-simulator recipe for Virus Deconstructor
- Make "Paste From Clipboard" paste the item (and all new dependencies) into the currently viewed folder
- Fix walls and gates not showing in the multi blueprint editor preview
- Fix walls and gates creating invalid multi blueprints
- When importing a multi-blueprint to My Library, don't clear entity references in registers to other parts of the multi-blueprint (only clear references to external entities)
- Made tech research notification progress bar on icon more visible
- Fix hovered expanded Tech research notification going behind resource bar icons
- Don't count building upgrades towards "Buildings Built" milestone
- Fix for a Steam multiplayer session sometimes disappearing from list of public multiplayer games after a few hours of play
- On a dedicated server, start ticking the simulation automatically after loading a save with a player faction when run_without_players is set
- When shutting down a unit with an uplink, make sure other idle uplinks take over
- Fixed glitch effect
The main aim of the experimental branch is for the bravest and most inquisitive among you to get a first-hand experience of the latest game changes and share your impressions with us.
Additionally, you can share your experiences within the community.
How to activate the experimental branch:
Right-click on Desynced in your Steam library
Properties => Betas => Beta Participation => Experimental_UE5 Branch
Please note that if you want to return to the regular version of the game, you'll need to switch back to 'None' in this menu.