Hello, Operators!
Hope you've been enjoying the Blight Update from a couple of weeks ago. We've been floored by the amount of feedback you've shared, and we're incredibly thankful for your active participation in shaping the game's future. With your insights lighting the way, we've pinpointed a few things that need tweaking. Let's dive into the fixes we've got lined up, all thanks to you!
Don't forget, leaving a Steam review is a fantastic way to back indie games. Whether you've spent time with Desynced and enjoyed it or found areas for improvement, we'd truly appreciate your feedback. Thanks a bunch!

- Fix for mining base mission getting stuck
- Fixes for Human Explorer missions getting stuck
- Fix for mission explorables spawning for non-player factions
- Once a mission has been completed, don't show the mission location in the codec from other factions
- Added fallback for solve instruction on unknown puzzles
- Avoid a reservation for items on a source for a production order getting stuck when the requested amount gets reduced after the source has been assigned but before a carrier has picked up the items from the source
- Increased repair cost of mining base
- Added send to shared storage button

- Unstealth when hacking
- Disable stealth when repairing
- Text fixups
- Fix UI Lua error when clicking research in tech tree
- Shield effect now disappears when depleted
- Disabled flash on missile launcher effect
- Damaged explorer texture update
- Fix shield effect display for when loading an old save

- Crash fix for resimulated items
- Fix freeze with the unit teleporter
- Crash fix when building gates

- Fix for space elevator spawning on flat worlds
- Fix for Explorer showing in the wrong location
- Fix path finding not successfully finding all possible routes involving a complex portal network
- When finding a path to a docked entity (or the target entity docks between move request and path finding), use the bounds of the garage as goal and not the last known bounds of the docked entity

- Reduced Engineer Visibility
- Fix unexpected inventory assignment when using the "Take All" button on Explorables
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