Space/Time Update now live in Desynced!
In this update, the story of Human continues, revealing more about the conflict between two powerful AIs. Through new missions, you’ll uncover key plot developments while exploring an expanded Humanity tech tree. You can now construct a variety of Human buildings and deploy specialized Human units to shape the battlefield and enhance your strategy.
If you started a new save after the last Combat Update, you can continue playing - everything added in this update will be available to you. With major additions to blueprints, upgraded construction systems, and new technologies, this update offers countless ways to refine your base and tactics. Many of these improvements come from your feedback, and we’re excited to see how you’ll put them to use.
Feel free to share your thoughts and impressions with us in the comments! Reviews on Steam are also a big help for indie developers like us to gain visibility, so if you haven’t left a review yet, please consider doing so.
Enjoy the update!

- New story mission that follows on the Human story
- New Humanity tech tree with playable human buildings
- Some new Virus technology
- Adding Light Tank and Light Cannon to Human Tech T1
- Adding in human units and made human weapons plus new tank weapons
- Added descriptions to human units and buildings
- Added descriptions to Humanity Tech tree
- Added descriptions to discovery technologies (top row in tech tree)
- Add "Reminder: Mods are currently in use, which may not be supported" on feedback form when playing with mods
- Added repair garage to human transport
- New texture for Human Transporter to match the new color scheme
- Added around 700 recently added strings temporarily localized via machine translation
- Show Health bars in ItemSlots instead of stack sizes for docked units
- The Human Miner now has a random chance to mine two items of certain resources in a single step

- Reworked Unit user interface (new info panel, moved 4 main unit registers above info panel)
- Reworked Goal/Mission Progress window
- Reworked permanent Research notification (made smaller, moved to the top left of the screen, hide it when no research is active)
- Reworked minimap button layout
- Show human research logs in the Codex
- Add animation of "talking head" popup collapsing and storing itself into Codex, signifying that the popup can be read later
- Show amounts of ingredients needed for a production component in an Explorable
- Show Explorable production and repair item in mouse-over hover info panel
- Show up to 80 selected units in a compressed format (without inventory for each)
- Open unit context menu when right-clicking on a unit without a unit selected
- Open active orders when clicking on stale order state icon in the lower left info box
- Add "Select all Docked" button to garage/drone inventory
- Show mission step text at the bottom of the talking head popup during missions
- Make the Codex view scroll to the bottom when opening it after clicking away a mission-related popup
- Recategorize and reorder Codex entries
- Center the Inventory on unit selection
- Moved explorable and dropped item windows to the bottom center of the screen when selecting them
- Show the reason why a unit can't be deconstructed in the tooltip of the health bar
- Added icons for radar filters 'Set Number' and 'Max Range'
- Change tech notify to match the look of the power info above it (always show progress bar, remove expanding by hovering)
- Adjusted some margins in the unit interface
- Make it more apparent that the button next to the search box clears the search and doesn't close a popup
- Show image of the building to be constructed in the lower-left info box of the construction site
- Show stats like power on tooltips of integrated components
- Show where integrated components are installed when clicking on one in the Power tab of the Control Center
- For items that aren't produced or mined, hide the graph on the item details screen in the Control Center
- Hide tooltip stat "Slot Type" for items and components that go into the default "Storage" type
- Remember the state of Control Center Units tab filters and collapsed categories between closing and reopening
- In 'Human Evolution' mission step 10, if the player drops the AI Core, allow extraction of a new AI Core, but clear any existing AI Core that is dropped on the floor nearby or inside the explorable
- Tweaks to Human units and weapons

- Multi-building blueprints, multi-building copy & paste
- Enable placing multiple upgrade construction sites without bringing up the construction site customization window by holding both Shift and Ctrl
- Enable enter key to confirm edited unit or customized construction site
- Added 2 extra gas slots to the blight complex
- Allow C (copy) and V (paste), as well as dragging onto item slots to lock the slot to a specific item
- Allow construction upgrades between walls, gates, and buildings
- Allow bot upgrade only between units built in the same production component
- Allow modification of Human buildings via the "Edit" button in the right-click context menu
- When applying changes to a construction site (via upgrade or right-click 'Edit' option), always spawn a new construction site instead of trying to convert the existing one
- Allow constructed human lander to deploy
- When deploying Command Center or Lander, reapply any settings from the bot onto the building (including behaviors, registers, logistics, and locks)
- When trying to paste bot settings onto a building and vice-versa, ask if the user wants to apply the settings

- Add unlock search box to tech tree, clicking on a requirement will search for it, also showing starter technologies
- Add search text box to the build menu
- Modifications to Human tech tree and recipes (some items moved to different producers)

- Add "Show Logistics Network" and "Show Grid Cursor" to Overlay Settings (P and G shortcut toggles now save with the game)
- Add new shortcut key Y to open the Overlay Settings menu
- Show Logistics Network and Grid Cursor states persist with the save file

- Long hold the health bar and right-click context menu option to deconstruct units directly
- Added new options to multiple unit selection (filter bots/buildings/constructions, mass deconstruction)
- Add instruction to check if a unit is docked and get docked garage
- New "Get Unit Info" and "Get Item Info" instructions to get static data about items and units
- Add option to Request Wait instruction to request up to an amount or a specified amount of items

- Upgrade to AI Explorer now requires yellow cubes instead of blue
- Make radar filters Robot/Bug/Human/Alien/Anomaly match any unit for a given race, not just explorables
- Change radar filters 'emergency' (slightly damaged) and 'broken' (heavily damaged) to work on non-owned units
- Performance improvements on radar functionality (reduced game slowdowns)
- Small Intel Scanner fix scanning of simple explorables
- Disable scanning of owned units with the Intel Scanner
- Show alien faction in the Faction tab if they are set to enemy
- Added internal socket to shuttle bots
- Limit manual deconstruction to undamaged units
- Make requirements for manual deconstruction match upgrading requirements (not damaged, no virus infection, not Command Center bot, must be unlocked in the tech tree)

- Make units upgraded in the Re-simulator keep their components and inventory
- Adjusted Humanity tech tree recipes and unit/component stats
- Added base Tank and Large Tank units, made the Tank Turret producible
- Virus Disruptor also disables the unit being disrupted
- Natural phase flowers now disappear after several triggers
- Adjustments to health/damage numbers — changed weapons to move and fire
- Spawn bugs slightly less in aggressive mode
- Increased cost of missile launcher in tower defense
- Increased bug health over time in tower defense
- Adjusted plasma blast effect (performance improvements)
- Modified spawning of aggressive mode bugs
- Don’t spawn a bunch of bugs if destroying a hive that was just spawned
- Don’t have bugs establish a new hive while still in combat
- Only trigger up to 5 hives in aggressive mode
- Make cured glitch bots spawn their base if none exists instead of endlessly roaming

- Close an open Explorable UI when using the "Deploy" button on a Deployer component
- Drop unnecessary or excessive items passed to repair mission targets
- Hide the option to deconstruct allied units or units without a recipe
- Added distinguishing graphics for some items
- Added description to all radar filter values
- Show battery charge indicator again
- Renaming a library folder now only renames it in the selected list (blueprints or behaviors)
- Deleting a library folder now deletes everything contained instead of moving items out
- Remove unused 'Power Production' register on the Micro-reactor
- Removed individual battery indicators on the component view

Construction and Upgrades
- Make placing a construction site while holding Ctrl always bring up the blueprint editor to allow customization before starting construction
- Placing a construction site while holding Ctrl still can do upgrades
- Combine interface for unit upgrade to be the same as building upgrade (V on the map, then Ctrl+Click on unit to upgrade)
- When trying to place a construction site over an existing building, ask the player if they want to upgrade (and inform about holding Ctrl will do it without a confirmation)
- Make placing a construction site take in any dropped item at the location (as construction ingredients or as inventory)
- Enforce locked slots when constructing from a blueprint or upgrade (drop extra items if they can’t be held)
- Show "Edit" option in right-click menu of construction/upgrade site
- Add new "Upgrade with Copied Settings" option to right-click menu
Blueprint Editor Enhancements
- Editing of individual building names when editing a multi-blueprint
- Highlight selected unit of multi-blueprint in editor with an outline
- Highlight hovered unit or unit referenced by hovered register in multi-blueprint editor
- Show referenced units in tooltips of registers in blueprint editor
- Use "New Multi Blueprint" as the default name for a multi-blueprint
In-Place Upgrades and Edits
- When editing a unit (via upgrade or "Edit" from the right-click context menu) and the changes don’t need a new construction site, just apply the settings in-place without upgrade

Graphical and Visual Fixes
- Fixed graphical issues at coordinates many tiles away from 0,0 (game should now correctly work at extremely large coordinates)
- Fixed misaligned line sometimes showing in the Explorable window
- Fixed Intel Scanner effect not always facing the target
- Fixed units like the Human Explorer to not be shown blurred while standing still
- Fix for blight charger effect scaling
- Fixed faction color on Defense Block
- Fix particles components not getting cleaned up (and duplicating) on replay-restart and mod dev hot-reload
- Fix tile highlight not showing while dragging an item onto the floor
- Fix connection lines on the Explorable interface sometimes being drawn with a wrong offset (on non-1080p resolutions or when using interface scaling)
- Made tech research notification progress bar on icon more visible
- Fix hovered expanded Tech research notification going behind resource bar icons
- Fix wind effect on trees sometimes jittering
- Fix walls and gates not showing in the multi-blueprint editor preview
- Fix walls and gates creating invalid multi blueprints
UI and Interface Fixes
- Fix mission entry not showing "More Information" in the progress window
- Fix tutorial glow box sometimes repeating the appearing animation
- Improve drawing of register lines by making the line-ending arrow triangles fit exactly and not be one pixel off
- Close an open console view on the Explorable UI when pressing buttons that don't open their own console
- Fix resource bar button right-click menu not showing all categories after loading a save
- Fix for placing constructions outside of visibility or inside Blight before having Blight Stability researched
- Fix for walls/gates in multi-building blueprints
- Fix for over dumping to shared storage
- Fix connection issues affecting order fulfillment (source/target issues when disconnected from the logistics network)
- Fix orders from or to a powered-down unit being carried out only by visible bots
- Show graph for everything in Items tab of Control Center again but distinguish between Produced/Mined/Extracted/Acquired (instead of just Produced/Mined)
- Show which units can extract Blight Extraction and Anomaly Particle in Items tab of Control Center
Blueprint and Construction Fixes
- Fix for walls and gates not showing properly in multi-blueprint previews
- Fix for placing constructions outside of visibility or inside Blight without proper research
- When importing a multi-blueprint to My Library, don't clear entity references in registers to other parts of the multi-blueprint
- Fix for invalid multi blueprints involving walls and gates
Gameplay and Mechanics Fixes
- Prevent deployment sites from being paused or aborted via multi-selection interface
- Make Intel Scanner automatically start scanning once power comes online if it got set a target while out of power
- Make laser turret face towards target
- Fix Tower Defense range issues
- Power Flowers no longer affect own units
- Fix for drones sometimes not fulfilling an order when there is a high-priority source somewhere in the base
- Fix for slow effect on running after a unit was destroyed
- Fix for a Steam multiplayer session sometimes disappearing from the list of public multiplayer games after a few hours of play
- On a dedicated server, start ticking the simulation automatically after loading a save with a player faction when run_without_players is set
Repair System Fixes
- Fix Repair Component to be able to heal without range limitation
- Fix Repair Component and AOE Repair Component to not heal its owner unless something else nearby needs healing
- Fix AOE Repair Component and Repair Kit to sometimes work without charging
- Fix AOE Repair Component and Repair Kit to sometimes use power without actually repairing anything
- Fix AOE Repair Component to remove the 'Repair Frame' option in its menu, which did nothing
Tech Tree, Missions, and Text Fixes
- Don’t show unlocking of integrated components in the tech tree (they are still selectable in behaviors)
- Fixed "Human Discovery" mission text referring to the wrong production component
- Fix mission entry not showing "More Information" in the progress window
- Text fixes across various UI elements and missions
Order and Logistics Fixes
- When auto-assigning a newly issued order, don’t assign it to a disconnected unit from the logistics network
- Fix orders from or to a powered-down unit being carried out only by visible bots, allowing any bot in the same logistics network to take over
- Fix for over dumping to shared storage
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