By the way, in these two collections from the past, you will find an explanation of how to use Behaviors scripts and Blueprints:

Author: Szteinoo
They have been trying to come up with something more clever than a thousand buildings producing single item(s) and this is their suggestion.
It's a Universal Fabricator. As its name suggests, it fabricates what it can do based on the received signal from an adjacent storage building.
- Set up a 2x2 (2M) building from the Blueprint below
- Place storages around it as shown in the screenshot

In the storage:
- Set P1 to the desired Max Amount and the type of item that needs to be produced
- Set P2 desired amount of items for Fabricator (I usually leave it at "1" but sometimes higher number is desirable)
This setup is based on assumption that You store specific item ONLY in this storage. It request every lost (or not lost) item from the base (if it sits in inventory) to this storage.

Storage x8
Universal Fabricator - Assembler
Universal Fabricator - Refinery
Universal Fabricator - Robotic Assembler
Item Requester Behavior for Storage
Double Factory Behavior
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to write them in the comments. Let us know what behavior scenarios you are missing.
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