Using a simple and handy tutorial, we'll learn how to create a Blueprint on our own and slightly modify a Behavior Script from a player. As a reward this time, we'll gain a quick way to expand the Power Grid.
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Author: StS73
Quickly build a matrix of power grid masts over a wide area. This script sets building sites beyond your power grid, even into the fog of war. You can build arbitrary grid sizes, even 100x100 masts if you want.
*Note that the script won't build, it just places construction sites. Once you have Shuttle Bots, you're no longer bound to your power network, so additional buildings will be built even faster.
*It only works when you place the behavior controller in a bot - you can't put it into a building
- Install Behavior Controller on any bot
- Load Behavior Script ‘Power Grid Matrix Builder 1.1’
Before pressing Play in the Behavior Controller, everything needs to be prepared. First of all, create a Blueprint with an M Building and a Small or Medium Power Field on it. I use the Medium one for my example.
- Click LMB on an existing building
- Open Library (L) -> Blueprints
- The selected building will appear in the list. Save it and give it a name so it doesn't get lost.

After that:
- right-click on the Behavior Controller -> Program Behavior
- find Check & Build Subroutine -> Edit

- Add the building Blueprint to ‘Place Construction’

Setting up the Behavior:
P1 - your reference building (or coordinates). The place on the map from which all others will be built.
P2 - Number of rows
P3 - Number of columns
P4 - The grid width (7 for small, 15 for medium power fields)
P7: X direction (1/0)
P8: Y direction (0/1)
Use negative values in P7/P8 to have other build directions

Now you can press Play, and if everything is set up correctly, the bot will lay out a grid of buildings from the Blueprint you specified, so that other bots from the Logistic Network can start construction!
Behavior Script:
If something is still unclear or if you have ideas on how to improve this Behavior Script, feel free to share with us in the comments!