Have a great weekend!
Our community manager Kerrigan has tested a new collection of Behavior scripts and is ready to share the best of them with you!
Today we're optimizing the base:
- Setting up a deconstruction bot
- Teaching a bot to deliver resources to two different locations
- Limiting the production of resource-intensive items
If you're not sure how to approach Behaviors setup, we recommend starting with the very first post on this topic:

Author: StS73
A multi-destructor script for bots with two deconstructors (Twinbot, Commander). Triggered by red signal or quick kill slots. Destroys two entities at once - helpful for destroying larger groups of buildings or robots.

- Install two Deconstructors in the bot
- Set up a Behavior Controller
- Load the corresponding script (Multi Deconstructor Duo) into the Behavior Controller
- Link P9 and P10 to the deconstructors (When using this on an early-game, single destructor bot, P9 and P10 can point to the same destructor target)
- Link P1 - P8 to the targets that need to be deconstructed OR
- Set "red" in the "Signal" field of the target that needs to be deconstructed

Behavior Script:

Author: Disastrous Impact
As the title suggests this produces items only when they are below a limit in your faction inventory.
Ideal for the production of very draining items where having 100 in stock is good enough.
Typically Data Cubes. At early stages also High Density Frames.

The behaviour writes to "Visual" register and has 3 Parameter / Variables
Expected Total
- example: 40 Data-Cubes as upper limit
Faction Total
- example: Your faction has 42 Data-Cubes
- Connect this to your Production Component eg. a Robotics Assembler
- Values : "Power off" icon or "Produce 5 of the items as described in Expected Total
Visual Register
- Displays current state (eg. "5x Data Cubes" or "Power off")

Tuning Potential:
The program utilizes "Wait Ticks" with the values "30" and "60".
It waits 30 Ticks if no production is needed
It waits 60 Ticks after setting production so that slower components get actually produced before running again.
If there were a "Wait for completing Production of 1 Item of type X" it would be nicer.
Behavior Script:

Author: PitchBlack
This script lets you Pick up from one location (bot or storrage) waiting until bot is full, then checking 2 other Storrages or bots and fills them up. Expandable for as many parameters as you can add. or by using signal logic.
Video Tutorial (English and German):
Behavior Script:
* * *
Should you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to post them in the comments section. Additionally, make sure to explore our earlier collection in case you haven't seen it yet: