- Advanced Miner Drone added to the human tech tree.
- Cancel button added to the unit upgrader.
- Flying units can now be upgraded, but only with other flying units.
- New "Set Group Icon" option available in the right-click menu for shortcut groups.
- Shortcut groups now show unit tooltips if the group consists of a single unit.
- Added visual registers on shortcut group icons.
- Double-clicking the infinity button in the register now sets and applies the value.
- Mouse-wheel scrolling enabled for registers when multiple units are selected.
- Register value pasting (V key) is now supported in both the game view and blueprint editor.
- Flowers unlockable in the tech tree are now buildable.
- Early Access notification added to the main menu.
- Tutorial Improvements: Minor grammatical fixes, stuck yellow outline adjustments, and better handling of multiplayer edge cases.

- Increased metal-rich node density for better resource availability in mid/late game.
- Microscope re-added to the human tech tree (previously removed by accident).
- Improved handling of uplinks to ensure smooth transitions between research steps.
- Simplified key bindings by combining "Attack Move" and "Force Attack" into one functionality.
- Default frame rate limit set to 60 FPS for new installations.

- Resolved issues with large re-simulation components not displaying stability and recipe details correctly.
- Improved item tooltips to prioritize components seen in the player's tech tree.
- Fixed weapons with multi-target effects (blast/beam/pulse) to properly damage resource nodes, construction sites, walls, gates, and foundations.
- Addressed script errors caused by damage-over-time effects (e.g., Plasma Turret) when targeting dropped items or resource nodes.
- Fixed issues with various unit status effects not applying to specific units.
- Removed deprecated drone package items from the tech tree.
- Improved blueprint saving and loading mechanics.
- Resolved rare server crashes related to network conditions.
- Fixed particle effects spawning in inappropriate areas, reducing memory usage.
- Fixed gate orientation and rotation issues when interacting with walls.
- Fixed "Drop Off Items" instruction failures for non-inventory entities (e.g., walls, foundations).
- Fixed issues with miners delivering items to shared storage when full.
- Improved logistics system to prioritize nearby sources for Item Transporter drones, ignoring out-of-range sources.
- Resolved "Q" key getting stuck in certain combat scenarios.
- Improved multiplayer sync stability in setups with multiple Unit Teleporters.

- Removed Lua base function load to prevent potential security risks.
We appreciate you sticking with us, testing new ideas, and sharing your thoughts. If you spot anything new or want to chat about the changes, feel free to join us on Discord or the Steam forums - we’re always listening!
Enjoy the game!