Hello Deadsiders!
On December 13th, at 4:00PM GMT / 8:00AM PDT, we will begin the release of version 0.10.0!
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.

The release of version 0.10.0 to the live servers will require a base wipe. All bases will need to be deleted for the update to function correctly on release.
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.

The release of version 0.10.0 to the live servers will require a base wipe. All bases will need to be deleted for the update to function correctly on release.
In update 0.10.0, we introduce the largest POI in Deadside so far; Kamensk. This huge city is filled with new interesting buildings, good loot, and even unique “urban bandit” AI which can be found at a new epic mission. With the introduction of this city, we now have the possibility for true urban PvP. There are sure to be snipers hiding in windows, and people watching every long street for an easy kill.

This update also comes with a large map expansion in the southwest, however, the vast majority of this map expansion is open fields and forests at the moment. We plan to populate this area with POIs in the future, as the artists have been completely focused on getting Kamensk finished and playable. So in the meantime, this expanded area will provide tons of building space for players, especially for those who prefer to be far away from any potential respawn points, improving their chances of a successful raid defense.
Outside of the new city, this update comes with a handful of useful changes and improvements, one being optimization of the game’s graphical content. This was done mainly to improve performance in Kamensk, as we haven’t had an area this densely populated with objects before. However, these improvements should be felt in all of the POIs across the map, and will hopefully improve performance for everyone across the board.
Version 0.10.0 also comes with a minor change to AI, which will make a major difference in the actual gameplay. In this version, enemy AI will no longer fire their weapons, while strafing side to side. This will make combat against our hostile bots feel much more fair, as they are now forced to play by the same gunplay rules as the player. No longer will you see a bot strafing sideways at full speed, somehow getting hits on you a couple hundred meters away with a Mosin.
Other changes and fixes:
- Improved level design of the southern safe zone and Sosnovka area
- The respawn beacon, tripwires, and C4 must now be placed in the hotbar slot to use (by the F key)
- Added a requirement to set the base flag - the hammer must be in the in the character's inventory
- Fixed the lack of reaction of roe deer and wolf to grenade and C4 explosions
- Multiple fixes of graphical bugs and level design
- Fixed an issue that caused the server list to not be displayed for some players.
- Added growl sounds for wolf in an idle state
- Improved reload sounds for all weapons
- Fixed a problem with the sound level inside the bunker
- Fixed incorrect or missing SFX for interactions with physical materials
- Improved the sound of sniper rifles firing
Thank you for reading, enjoy update 0.10.0!
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