Hello Deadsiders!
Tonight we will release an update to the PTS servers that contain a handful of impactful changes:
- Added holiday weapon skins into loot pools
- New “Scheduled Raid” Mode; raiding is only enabled at specific times during the day. Can be configured on community servers. Raid time in the US: 6-10pm. Raid time in EU: 7-11pm.
- Increased base turret HP to 500. (Turrets you have already built on the PTS will require repair to reach the new HP)
- Increased airdrop fall duration by 5x, giving players more time to contest the event
- Added a temporary siren which activates when raiding becomes enabled. Please be aware that this is an unfinished experimental feature, let us know what you think!
During the patch deployment, PTS servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.
During the patch deployment, PTS servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.
If you have feedback for us, one of the best ways to send it would be through the #pts-feedback channel in the Official Deadside Discord.
Thanks for reading!
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