Hello Deadsiders!
Halloween is getting closer, and as many of you in the community already guessed, that means a Halloween update is getting closer as well! This isn’t just a seasonal update though, we do have some new features that we will take a look at in this post. After that, we will talk about some of the other things we have been working on in the background, as there are some huge features that we have been investing a lot of time in, that are getting closer to completion. So let's get it started;

Update 0.8.0 will be the introduction of Wolves, a hostile animal that will roam the forests and abandoned towns of Deadside. Wolves will attack players on sight, so be vigilant! Being attacked by a pack of Wolves will force a player to use their firearm to defend themselves, creating a lot of noise that other players can use to their advantage. You can also skin a wolf using a knife, and sell their pelt to the trader, for a little bit of extra cash.
This is the first large animal to be added into Deadside, but it is certainly not the last, as you will see later in this post, but for now, let’s move on to the next feature:
Re-Designed Weapons:

Update 0.8.0 will have new weapon models for the AK-mod, AK-SM, AK-SU, VSD, and Skar. This is part of an ongoing process of remodeling almost every weapon currently in Deadside, in order to make improvements to the overall weapon system that we were unable to do with the old models. These new textures and models are being made by dedicated artists, who have recently joined the team, so that the rest of the developers can continue working on other features.
Halloween Skins:
Of course, this wouldn’t be a Halloween update without our Halloween skins! This means AI will now be spawning with unique masks and helmets, and it is now possible to find rare Halloween weapon skins once again. Some of these weapon skins are quite unique, and they were very sought after during our last Halloween update, so, get them while you can!

Base Building & Wooden Box Changes:
Version 0.8.0 has a decent amount of bug fixes, and changes regarding Base Building, and small Wooden Boxes. The bug fixes include:
- Fixed a bug that prevented some items from being constructed;
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to build wooden boxes in other players bases;
- Fixed other minor bugs with item interactions.
As for changes to the building system, we have made significant changes to the construction costs, changing the amount of wood and nails required to build base structures, drastically reducing the amount of items needed in total. This means you will spend a lot less time swinging an axe at a tree, and more time actually building, or exploring other parts of the game.
So, that is update 0.8.0, not a huge update by any means, but it will still contain some good features and changes that we hope you all enjoy.
Post 0.8.0:
We understand that both update 0.7 and 0.8 don’t have as much new content as our typical updates, and this is because most of the Bad Pixel team is completely preoccupied with some very large and complex features. Some of which we have talked about in previous WIP posts, others we will be talking about for the first time today. Because of the scale of these features, they require a decent time investment in order to develop them correctly. For example, a lot of the animators and designers are working on Proning. This is because Proning has a lot of complex collision interactions for the designers to work through. As for the animators, they need to make new proning animations for every weapon in the game, and re-make the weapon animation tree so that the animations don’t break during gameplay.
With all that in mind, let's take a look at some of these major features that are being worked on in the background:
Roe Deer:

Unlike the Wolves, these deer are prey animals, which can be hunted for food. At the current moment, their AI and animations are not complete, so this animal did not make it into version 0.8.0 to join the Wolves. In any case, the Roe Deer will breathe just a bit more life into the world of Deadside, while also giving players another way to gather food for themselves.
New City:
For those unfamiliar, we have been working on a large new city in the south western corner of the map. This city will be the largest and most complex location in Deadside so far, featuring unique buildings, opening up new gameplay opportunities. Because of the scale of this new city, the art team has been very busy creating new models and textures to populate it. Here is an example of a broken down vehicle recently created by the art team:

Completing our Roadmap:
As we get closer to the end of the year, we are getting closer and closer to completing our 2023 Roadmap. There are only a few features left that we haven’t touched on yet, and those features are the Prone Position, New Events, and Expanding the Base Functionality. All of these features are currently being worked on in the background, and we aim to finish them as soon as we realistically can.
As we get closer to 2024, we would like to remind you that we read all of your feedback when putting together Roadmaps, so if you have any ideas or suggestions for the game, please leave them in our Nolt, the feedback channels on our discord, or even the comments section of this post, we read those too.
Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for the PTS coming soon!
Bad Pixel
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