Hello Deadsiders!
Tomorrow at 11:00AM CET / 2:00AM PST, we will begin the release of version 1.1.2!
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required
This is a small hotfix that will patch a few exploits and bugs currently causing issues, while we work on preparing new content for our next update.
Patch Notes:
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to nullify fall damage with the prone mechanic
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to repair items without consuming materials at the workbench
- Fixed a bug on doors/shutters/gates that required players to re-enter the code after upgrading
- Fixed a bug that caused players to appear at the incorrect safezone when relocating
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to open another player’s locked storage without entering the password
- Fixed collision issues with prone that allowed players to fall through the map
- Implemented sleeping bag transfers to dead players on the respawn screen
Bad Pixel
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