Hello Deadsiders!
On June 11th, at 9:00AM GMT / 2:00AM PDT, we will begin the release of version 0.12.2!
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.

The release of version 0.12.2 to the live servers will require a wipe. All items, bases, safezone storage and player inventories will need to be reset for the update to function correctly on release.
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.

The release of version 0.12.2 to the live servers will require a wipe. All items, bases, safezone storage and player inventories will need to be reset for the update to function correctly on release.
Update 0.12.2 is focused on improving quality of life, game balance, and the health of our community. We have done this by adding better moderation tools, like our new anti-cheat BattlEye, as well as additional admin tools for community servers. This update also sees further improvements to our weapons and armor systems, as well as continued rebalancing. So, let's have a look at 0.12.2 in detail;
Version 0.12.2 Will Include:
- BattlEye integration
- Remodeled Mosin
- Rebalanced Sniper Damage
- Revamped hint UI on all items
- Added more admin tools
- Added “Experimental Servers”
- Added lootable containers around the map
- Increased the max stack size of many items and consumables
- Added a slot to the Stalker Backpack
- Rebalanced the event rewards for missions, cargo drops, and heli crashes
- Changed armored vest and helmet prices
- Minor sound optimization
- Added some various loot spawns
- Added a hint to disable the training quest into the tutorial UI
- Rebalanced some crafting requirements
- Added a hardcore tag in the server browser UI for hardcore servers
- Changed the server browser filters to show hardcore servers in the listing by default
Admin Tools
When designing these new admin tools for community servers, we wanted to give server admins the ability to better moderate their servers, while also setting limits to avoid potential abuse. For example, we decided not to give server admins the ability to see players through walls (ESP). Instead, you can see their approximate location on the map.

We understand that these new tools can be used to cheat, and while we have built in some limits, the responsibility of using this power correctly ultimately comes down to our server admins. So, we ask that you please use these tools responsibly. We are hopeful that these new tools allow community servers to flourish, and allow for more unique servers to be created.
Experimental Servers
If you didn’t see our recent experiment on the Public Test Server, these experimental servers have a unique, much smaller map than normal. This results in much higher PvP density, and less travel time. We decided to continue making these servers accessible to the players who enjoyed them during the test.

Armor Durability & Repair System
Similar to our weapon durability system, we have added an armor durability level that drops when shot. After dropping enough durability, the armor will start to provide less damage protection. They can now be disassembled into parts, and repaired. While durability can be annoying to manage, we believe that this system adds some much needed depth into our armor system, and makes armor more valuable overall.

Armor Penetration System
Lastly, we have added varying armor penetration values for each weapon. Weapons with higher penetration values will have less damage reduction when passing through armor. These penetration and armor protection values can be seen in game with the new hint UI. This new system should help better balance our weapons and armor, as well as add even more depth into our weapon variety, with weapons gaining a new stat to further differentiate them.

Remodeled Mosin

Thanks for reading, enjoy update 0.12.2!
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