Hello Deadsiders!
Today we would like to show you the largest point of interest in Deadside so far; the Airfield! This huge location will be included in the next update, as part of a map expansion in the south east. So, let's take a quick tour of the area!

Starting in the outskirts, we can see that the airfield is surrounded by steep hills, and dense forest roads. Sniper towers are very common, and can be seen dotted around the perimeter of the base. Moving in closer to the airfield, we can see that this location is so large, that it extends way past our render distance!

The airbase is filled to the brim with military hardware and infrastructure, with separate installations dotted around the base that each serve a different purpose. Many of these installations will feature new custom made structures, like these underground hangars for example. Each area has been made with PvP in mind, with the goal of turning the airfield into a dangerous, but very fun high risk location.

The airfield will offer a variety of loot, anything from weapons, materials, equipment and more. You can even find large dumps of scrap metal in a few locations! Additionally, the airfield will be one of only a few locations to spawn new cars, making it potentially one of the most rewarding areas on the map.

That’s everything we have to show for today! We will begin testing with our private test group as soon as we are able. But unlike most private tests, we have allowed our testers to share much more information with the community. So you may see some gameplay streamed live directly from the test servers! Just remember that you may see some unpolished content still present, as we are testing slightly earlier than normal, with more tests planned to follow in the future.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more news!
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