Hello Deadsiders!
We will be deploying a hotfix to the Public Test Servers at around 14:00-15:00 CET!
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required.
Patch Notes:
- Reduced the reputation requirements at the trader, making leveling cheaper
- Added new raid icons
- Added new character spawn points, expanding the “newbie zone” to the north
- Tripwires can be installed anywhere except inside of safe zones
- Campfires can be installed anywhere
- Added more cigarette spawns into the map
- Added machine oil and spark plug spawns in many garages across the map
- The refueling timer has been reduced to two seconds
- Added additional slots (total) for the small box (15), motorcycles (15), and cars (36).
- On PvE servers, you can no longer open someone else’s storage, or remove their decor, but only if storage has been installed at the base. Small boxes placed across the world will still be accessible
- Fixed base lock behavior
- Made some landscape adjustments
- Added construction material spawns to the following areas:[list]
- Construction site in Khimmash (Map Square C7)
- Industrial building in Dubovo
- Industrial building in Kamensk
- Various towns with industrial buildings
We are just two days away from release now! Thanks a ton for all of the feedback sent during this public test, it has been extremely helpful. We aren’t done improving this update yet though! If you have more feedback for us, one of the best ways to send it would be through the #pts-feedback channel in the Official Deadside Discord.
Thanks for reading as always, get ready for launch day!
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