Hello Deadsiders!
Tomorrow at 11:00AM CET / 2:00AM PST, we will begin the release of version 1.1!
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required
During the patch deployment, servers may be temporarily unavailable. Game client update is required
This festive update begins our seasonal holiday event, while also bringing some important balance changes into the game (without a wipe). Our safezones have been decorated for the holidays, and seasonal weapon skins have been added back into the loot pool! You will be able to find some new seasonal items this year inside of various loot boxes, like decorations for your base, or a sweet treat.
We have made many changes to base building, and other areas of the game based on your feedback. Thank you to everyone who participated during public testing! Check out the patch notes to see what has changed:
Patch Notes:
New Years Event:
- Added holiday weapon skins into loot pools
- Added Christmas/New Years decorations and new seasonal items! Check out the Kamensk town square to find gifts under the tree!
- Added seasonal items into lootable road bags
Base Building & Raiding:
- New “Scheduled Raid” option; raiding is only enabled at specific times during the day. Can be configured on community servers. A few official servers will be deployed with this setting shortly after the update is released.
- Rebalanced the cost of base upgrades, nails and rebar are no longer required
- Slowed down the decay rate of Plank and Metal base structures
- Less planks are required for base upkeep
- Plank and Metal base structures can no longer be damaged by melee and firearms. Only grenades, Dynamite, Explosive Charges, and the GRM-40 grenade launcher can deal damage
- Fixed the issue with the base lock where the code had to be entered after each death or relog
- Notifications will now appear showing why a structure cannot be placed when building
- Added new dynamite and explosive spawners into road bags and trunks
- Increased base auto-turret HP from 100 to 500, and shotgun trap HP from 100 to 250. (Turrets you have already built will require repair to reach the new HP)
- Players who are not registered to a base will no longer be able to remove ammo from turrets
- Removed building blockers from rivers
- Reduced the cost of creating a base lock
- Shotgun turrets now requires half the parts to produce
- Changed the recipe for repairing decorative items; paint and duct tape are now required
- Radio stations now require significantly fewer parts to craft
- Changing your Steam nickname no longer un-authorizes your from a base
- Fixed the issue where the water collector's current status was not displayed
- Fixed an issue where gates/shutters/doors submerged in the ground did not take damage from C4, dynamite, or grenades.
- Structures constructed outside of the vault radius will display a decay warning when looked at
- Straight Stairs no longer require branches for upkeep once upgraded to Plank or Metal.
Other Changes:
- Added new and improved BB-19 model
- Reduced water consumption by 20%
- Rebar can now be recycled into scrap metal by using a metal planer
- Increased the activation chance of scrap piles
- Increased airdrop fall duration by 5x, giving players more time to contest the event
- Rebalanced the airdrop; can now drop seasonal items, dynamite sticks, laptops, and tinctures
- Reduced the HP of turrets in bunkers
- Added the ability to transfer your sleeping bag to a Steam friend if they are logged into the same server
- Sleeping bags are now twice as cheap, but have 50 HP instead of 100
- Safezone traders can now buy your watches and cigarettes for reputation, and dogtags for money
- Paint kits are no longer required to skin items
- Safezone workbenches no longer require money to repair, disassemble, or skin items
- Reduced vehicle noise, and adjusted vehicle noise at a distance.
- Restored the sound to the duck call
- Fixed missing hints in inventory
- Shotguns are prohibited from dealing headshots if only one pellet hits the head. Now a pellet hit to the head will deal 25 damage. This will reduce the amount of lucky headshots from a distance.
- Crafting more than one item at a time will now take the same amount of time as crafting just one item
- Vehicles no longer deal collision damage to you for a full second after exiting them, preventing unnecessary accidental deaths
- Added sounds for ATM operations
Thanks for reading, happy holidays!
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