Hello Deadsiders!
We have recently created a new EULA (End User License Agreement), which you will now have to accept in order to play the game. This EULA protects our intellectual property, and implements a basic code of conduct for our players.
If you would like to read our new EULA, you can do so here
The main purpose of this code of conduct is to give out temporary or permanent bans to players who disrupt the game in an extreme way, be it exploits, harassment, extreme toxicity, and other actions that have a major effect on the gameplay experience of others.
While we have banned players for similar actions in the past (exploits mainly), this new code of conduct allows us to more effectively moderate our community, and deal with negativity that we previously could not. The vast majority of players will be completely unaffected by this, so unless those specific actions above are something you regularly do while playing our game, you shouldn’t have to worry.
We will still collect player reports in the same way as before, so if you would like to report someone who you believe broke the code of conduct, you can send all the information to deadsidecontact@gmail.com, or the #feedback-and-report channel in the Official Deadside Discord.
In other news, we understand that you all have been asking for an update on development, and to be fair we have been relatively quiet recently. This is because at the start of the year, most of our time was spent developing large time consuming features, and planning out the future. But don’t worry, we have a couple more posts in the pipeline that you will see very soon, that will go into much more detail about the development process
Until then, thank you for reading, and keep an eye out for more!
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