Hello Deadsiders!
Lots of planning has been done going into 2025 post release, and we believe it's time to show you what we have been working on! After talking with our community and looking through the suggestions you have put on our Nolt, we have a handful of features planned for the immediate future. Some of them you can expect to begin testing fairly soon, while others may need more development time.
Base Building & Raiding:
In our next update you can expect to see triangular foundations, triangular floors, as well as half walls! Using triangular objects, you can make more defendable and complex bases while being efficient with your space. Half walls are perfect for shooting floors, especially when combined with auto-turrets. Here is a work in progress development screenshot of these new objects:

While your bases may be more secure with these new objects, we have also added a new tool to shake up raiding; Assault Ladders! These will allow you to climb onto bases without blowing open a wall, and gives you a tool to deal with roof campers. Be sure to lock your windows when this feature is released!
Construction upgrade costs, as well as raiding material crafting requirements are currently being rebalanced. While development here isn’t done yet, we can tell you now that nails and rebar are going to be required for upgrades once again. More work in this area will be done during internal and public tests
We have gotten lots of feedback about our sleeping bag/respawn system after release, though this feedback varies heavily depending on the specific playstyle and preferences of the player. Finding a system that suits everyone has been a challenge, so we have decided to create an option for community servers to disable sleeping bag placement in POIs. This option won’t be used on official servers, but it's there for the community servers who would prefer to use it.
We are also playing around with the idea of reducing the HP of players respawning on a sleeping bag outside of your base. This would make it easier to kill players running back into combat after they just died, unless they have a bed in a base nearby that they could use instead. Let us know your thoughts about this idea, the balance of HP values isn’t final yet, and we are always open to community suggestions.
Lastly, we are working on creating a system for sleeping player bodies. This means your player character remains in the server after you have logged out. This will make combat logging nearly impossible, and should fix a few other minor gameplay issues currently present within the game.
Other Changes & Features:
Last but definitely not least are some changes to weapon progression and AI. The various types of AI across the map have had their weapon selection changed. Now they will have lower tier weapons more often, with lower durability. For example, you won’t find AK-mods on military AI anymore. This will encourage players to either purchase weapons from the trader, or to loot high quality weapons from the world, or event rewards. It also slightly reduces the effectiveness of respawning players who have scavenged weapons from slain AI, though bullets from a busted up AK-SU still definitely hurt.
While many of these features are relatively short term, we have some other features planned for the future that take much more development time to complete. The biggest one that we would like to talk about with you today is the creation of a modkit for community run modded servers! As exciting as that prospect might be, we do need to say up front that this task requires time consuming R&D. Work in this area just started, so right now we don’t know when the modkit will be released or what features it will have. But we wanted to let you all know about it now to get some feedback on what our community expects from the feature. So please let us know in the comments here or on our Nolt what you would like to create with this modkit!
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for news on an upcoming public test!
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