Hello Deadsiders!
After the release of version 0.11, we have been focused on improving and fixing some technical aspects of the game, however, we have continued working on new content in the background, and we would like to share some of that with you today. So, let's take a look at some of the features that may be included in our next update;
Weapon Accuracy & Balance:
For those who are unaware, weapon accuracy can vary greatly depending on which weapon you are using in Deadside. Some weapons like an SMG are much more inaccurate than your typical AR, however, even the most accurate snipers in the game still are not perfectly accurate, in fact, they are less accurate than most players realize. So, we have begun making changes to the accuracy of weapons, with accurate weapons generally becoming more precise, and inaccurate weapons generally becoming a bit less accurate. This should further diversify the weapon balance of Deadside, by making weapon accuracy a more important factor when choosing your weapon.
This change is part of a larger effort to rebalance our weapons, which also includes recoil. While the recoil we currently have in game is functional, we would like to reduce the randomness of the patterns, and this is something we are currently testing. In general, we would like our shooting to be a bit more approachable than it is now, so that newer players aren’t put off by the steep learning curve of complex recoil patterns and gunplay. This also has the benefit of making our gunplay more consistent, so that better players are consistently shooting better.

This is a new variant of the AR4 that already exists in game, but with a shorter barrel, which gives it different handling characteristics, which makes it better suited for close range. However, the normal AR4 will do better at longer distances, with its longer barrel. While this weapon may not be totally game changing, it will give you the ability to further specialize with your weapon into a specific playstyle.
Armor Changes:
Sticking with the theme of rebalance, we have made some slight adjustments to armor values and protection. This doesn’t mean armor is going to become more tanky, the changes are mainly focused on lower tier armor, like the police vest and armored tactical vest. On top of that, both helmets and armor will cover a bit more hitboxes than before, so that sneaky bullets don’t get past armor in areas that players don’t expect.
Safezone Workbenches (pay to use):
We have added workbenches to both safezones on the map, which will allow players to use them to repair or paint their items, for a set price. This gives players more ways to spend their money, while also allowing players to skin or repair their items when it is more convenient. But unless you plan to spend lots of money renting the safezone workbench, it would still be best to construct one in your base
As we covered in detail in our last WIP post, prone is currently in development, and progress is still being made. We expect the prone feature to enter into closed testing in the next few weeks, hopefully with a release to follow soon after, although that depends on how well testing goes. Overall, the prone feature is looking good, and we are excited to release it for you all as soon as we reasonably can.
If you haven’t seen our video covering prone yet, you can watch it here; https://youtu.be/hyc3BqYEEt4
Thank you for reading!
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