Hello Deadsiders!
We recently completed the first private testing stage of our next major update, with lots of valuable feedback to show for it. We really appreciate our testers for volunteering their valuable time, as well as the entire community for observing the test content, and submitting their feedback. All of you help make the game better.
As a result of this test, we have identified some areas of gameplay that need improvement, requiring a few new features to be developed. In this WIP post, we will be covering what we have completed so far, with more to come soon after.
One of the areas we identified as needing improvement was our method of storing money. Up until this point, money in Deadside has been a physical object, which can be looted and stored. This implementation was mostly effective, but it had some limitations. For example, players almost never risk bringing money outside of the safezone, making roaming traders largely superfluous. Additionally, transferring money between players is a quite manual process, requiring players to split and organize large stacks of cash, to then toss it all on the ground.
So in our next major update, money in Deadside will become virtual, no longer stored as a physical item in a slot. Your money will be stored instead on the game server, with your total displayed on the top right of your inventory. This means you can now buy items at a Roaming Trader without bringing the money physically with you first. It also removes the limit on money stacks, making storage much simpler overall.
In order to transfer money between players, we have added an ATM into each safezone! With this ATM, you can easily transfer money to any nearby players using its UI.

We hope that these changes and additions improve the quality of life for our players, making it much easier to manage your cash overall. This change lays the groundwork for another upcoming feature as well, that we will talk more about once it's ready to be shown.
Thanks for reading, stay tuned for more news!
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