On August 19th 1944, the French Resistance began the Battle of Paris against the Germans and Vichy forces under its command. On August 24th, the Allies arrived as well, causing Paris to be liberated within hours. Hitler ordered that if the city could not be held, it should be destroyed, but the commandant of Paris, Dietrich von Choltitz, refused to carry out the order.
Get the “Liberation of Paris” decal and “General’s cap (France)” decoration!
This themed decal and decoration are available for this day!
When: Until August 19th (09:00 GMT).
Task: Play 3 battles using any French vehicle at rank III or higher to receive the “Liberation of Paris” decal.
Task: Win 5 battles using French ground vehicles at rank III or higher to receive the “General’s cap (France)” decoration!
Task: Play 3 battles using any French vehicle at rank III or higher to receive the “Liberation of Paris” decal.
Task: Win 5 battles using French ground vehicles at rank III or higher to receive the “General’s cap (France)” decoration!

“Liberation of Paris” decal

“General’s cap (France)” decoration
- You must use a minimum of rank III.
- Your activity must not be below 70%.
- Complete the task in random battles, except for Enduring Confrontation missions and [Assault] mode. ·
- Track your progress in the hangar by clicking Nickname → Achievements → Holidays → Paris Liberation Day.
- You can find the decal in the “Holidays” tab and the decoration in the “Helmets” tab in the Customization menu.