The King Tiger is coming to Sweden! One of the best tanks of the Second World War that went to the northern country as a testing tank obtained after the war is the main prize of the brand-new 15th Battle Pass season: Northern King.
To receive Battle Pass rewards, you’ll need to regularly log into the game and complete tasks and challenges. Each level of the Battle Pass will earn you a prize, be it a player icon, loading screen, title, decals, decorations, or 3 brand-new premium vehicles!
Meet Season 15 of the Battle Pass!
Zitat:When: From April 24th until July 24th.
This Season’s Rewards
We’ve got a new set of decals, decorations, a profile icon and vehicles lined up for you this season! See the full list in the Battle Pass tab in the hangar, or check them out on our Wiki. Here’s some key rewards for Season 15:
USS Flagstaff
A Premium US Motor Gun Boat at Rank III
This is an incredibly speedy and maneuverable boat with a interchangeable main gun — the 152 mm cannon with excellent high-explosives or a 40 mm Bofors cannon. The choice ultimately yours!

P-51C-11-NT Mustang (China)
A Premium Fighter for China at Rank III
Thanks to the high-altitude Packard V-1650-7 Merlin engine, this Mustang is one of the fastest aircraft at its rank. Ideal for boom n’ zooming!

A Premium Heavy Tank for Sweden at Rank IV
The King Tiger is a fantastic heavy tank with good frontal hull armor, one of the best guns at its rank and very effective shells. With Sweden, it’s a true Northern King!

4 decals!

Emblem of the 3rd company of the Jutland Dragoons | Emblem of the Alvsborg Regiment |

Emblem of the 6th Combat Support Squadron | Emblem of the 3rd Tank Battalion |
3 decorations!

Modern assault rifle (Finland) | Anti-tank rocket launcher (Sweden) | Swedish navy emblem |
Profile Icon

About the Battle Pass
Zitat:If you’ve got two Coupon Upgrades from stages in the previous season, then you can claim the new Battle Pass for free! Exchange them in the purchase menu of the Northern King season.
The Battle Pass is a seasonal event where players can earn many rewards, from Silver Lions and boosters to exclusive season prizes: decorations, profile icons and premium vehicles. The rules are simple: you earn progress points and use them to unlock new stages, earning valuable prizes in the process.
You can unlock new stages and receive awards at any time during the season.

You can access the “Battle Pass” window through the promo block on the right side of the hangar screen.
How to participate
- You get progress points every day for entering the game.
- From 1 to 5 points.
Complete Battle Tasks
- You can check your Battle Tasks in the game. Complete them and receive progress points.
- From 2 to 5 points.
Complete Season Challenges
- One Challenge is available at the start of the season. Every week you get a new one, while three more can become available by unlocking stages.
- 30 points.
Learn more about the Battle Pass