Meet Mysterious Valley!

Hello pilots! This new location is set in the mountainous part of Southeast Asia. A large rock massif is divided by a deep gorge, which is going to be your main landmark. Situated approximately in the middle of the gorge is a hydroelectric power station, which is the main energy resource of this area. You’ll find several towns within the mountains, and downstream to the West of the hydroelectric dam, there’s a mountain village with a river market.

The main strategic points here is a large spaceport complex in the northern part of the location, and to the south of the city there’s a giant radio telescope reflector, clearly visible in any weather and from any altitude.

Meet Bering Sea!

This new location for naval battles is bringing you to the harsh north. The designers of this location tried to create a collective image of the surroundings of the islands in southern Alaska and the main attraction of the region, the Islands of Four Mountains. This is a group of four active volcanoes situated right in the middle of the sea!

This location has a seascape with decent cover, where smaller ships and boats can maneuver around, while bigger ships will take duels on the open sea.

Both of these new locations will be added to the map rotation with the release of the next major update. Keep an eye out for more news about what’s coming in this update on our website.