The Vautour II was designed and produced by Sud Aviation and made its first flight on October 16th 1952. It served with the French Air Force from 1958 to 1979 and was also supplied to Israel, where it saw combat in the Six-Day War and the War of Attrition.
The Vautour IIN is temporarily available at a 30% Discount for Golden Eagles!
This French bomber is available at a 30% discount for 5,992 Golden Eagles.
When: From today until October 18th (09:00 GMT).
Where: France > Aviation > Premium vehicles.

About this aircraft
- The Vautour IIN is a rank VI jet bomber with a large range of secondary weapons, including bombs, rockets, AS-30 and AS-20 Nord air-to-ground missiles, and AA-20 air-to-air missiles. Additionally, this aircraft is equipped with a radar and four 30 mm cannons. Thanks to its combination of good guns and ground options, the Vautour IIN can be used well both in air and ground battles.