Ground Vehicles
- CV 90120 — the maximum forward and reverse speed has been changed from 78/51 km/h to 70/40 km/h. (Report)
- AMX-32 (105) — engine power has been increased from 680 HP to 700 HP. Source: GIAT, 1983. AMX 32. s.l.:s.n. 1979, SATORY VII EXPOSITION DE MATERIELS D’ARMEMENT TERRESTRE. s.l.: s.n.
- Centurion Mk 2, Mk 3 — the incorrectly changed optical magnification has been returned from 3x-6x to 6x. Source: Technical Handbook for the Centurion mks. 1, 2 and 3 by The war office, May 1950 Page 211-212.
- M41D — engine power has been increased from 450 HP to 500 HP. Source: Video. According to 《國軍現役武器圖鑑》 (Active Weapon Catalog of the National Military)“雖然最大瞬間出力低於AOS-895,但因最大淨出力相當,故仍保持了M-41A3原有的極速,且最大行程也較M41A3大幅提升。再加上更新了聯動自製的扭-杆懸掛系統,使M41D的機動性優於M41A3.-<
- 2C6, Tor-M1 — transmission gear ratios have been changed. Source: Study of Modification Scheme for Operation Electric Control System of Russian (569A) Integrated Transmission.
- Leclerc (all variants) — the maximum speed has been increased from 71 km/h to 72 km/h. Sources: Source 1: "LECLERC - LA SUPERIORITE OPERATIONNELLE" - 2005, GIAT Industries Retrieved from here Source 2: Nexter Group Official Website Web Archive - 2007 Retrieved from here
- Black Prince — transmission gear ratios have been changed. The number of reverse gears has been increased from 1 to 2. The number of forward gears has been increased from 4 to 5. The reverse speed has been increased from 2.2 km/h to 6.6 km/h. The maximum forward speed has been increased from 17.2 km/h to 18 km/h. Source: Mr. Churchill's Tank: The British Infantry Tank Mark IV by David Fletcher, pages 203, 204 and 209.
- DF105, FlaRakPz 1 — the maximum speed has been increased from 70 km/h to 75 km/h. Source: International Defense Review 1971-08: Vol 4 Iss 4. The Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle of the Modern German Army.
- Striker — transmission gear ratios have been changed. Source: International Defense Review 1971-10: Vol 4 Iss 5.
- Daimler Mk II — gun depression angle has been changed from -12 to -15 degrees. Source: Royal Armoured Corps Training Vol. 3 – Armament. Pamphlet No. 4 Daimler armoured car Mk. 1 and 2. October 1951 by The War Office Page 123.
- Churchill Crocodile — the angles of elevation/depression and traverse to the right and left of the Flamethrower have been changed from 5/30 and -15/15 degrees to -15.5/23 and 14.5/15.5 degrees. Source: Crocodile. Flame thrower equipment. Provisional training pamphlet 1945.
- Alecto I — transmission gear ratios have been changed. Source: Service Instruction Book for Alecto I. June 1945 Page 5 and 18.
- Alecto I — gun elevation has been increased from 25 to 26 degrees. Source: Service Instruction Book for Alecto I. June 1945 Page 3.
- Comet I, Comet I “Iron Duke IV” — the turret rotation speed has been increased from 15 to 21 degrees per second. An incorrect description in the crew window will be corrected later. Source: Royal Armoured Corps Training Vol. 3 - Armament Pamphlet No. 5 Comet 1, June 1949 by the War Office Page 85 "to time the system" - paragraph "C".
- Marder A1, Marder A3, DF105, FlaRakPz 1, Begleitpanzer 57, TAM, TAM 2C, TAM 2IP — transmission gear ratios have been changed. Source: International Defense Review 1971-08: Vol 4 Iss 4.
- F-14 (all variants), Mirage-2000C S5, Tornado F3/ADV, F-4J/K/M FGR, F-1, T-2 (aircraft with radars without All-Aspect PD mode) — now have manual selection of “ACM” and “ACM PD HDN” modes for radar in ACM mode. While in tracking mode, radars still use automatic waveform management. Aircraft radars with All-Aspect PD mode still only use this mode in ACM.
- MiG-29 (all variants), Yak-141, Su-27, F-16 (all variants), F-15A, Mirage-2000 5F, AV-8B Plus Italy, F-20 Tigershark, F-4EJ Kai, JA37 (all variants), JAS 39 (all variants) — corrected the name of the radar ACM mode — “PD ACM” instead of “PD AUT”.
- A bug that caused the game to freeze during startup when opening a dialog box has been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.