Welcome to the 100th edition of “It’s fixed!” Today, we’ll be going over the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve made to the game since the release of the Storm Warning update. Let’s take a look!
If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.
Better profile customization

We keep expanding your profile customization options. Now you can choose a player icon frame and a profile backgound, and there’s also a number of backgrounds and frames available for all players.
Profile showcases have received a number of fixes and improvements since their recent launch. Now all UI elements fit into the screen at “Medium” and “Large” interface scale. In the “Favorite vehicle” showcase, vehicle search by name now works. Searching for your favorite vehicle is now easier thanks to the option to sort the vehicle list by the number of respawns.
We’ve also fixed a number of errors related to showcase editor. One of them closed the editor without saving if you clicked on a showcase, another prevented the editor from launching, and the third one made the Esc key to close the entire profile menu instead of the editor.
Ground Vehicle sight settings
Several bugs have been fixed relating to the ground vehicle sight settings menu. Reloading the sight caused the color values in the “Rangefinder” section and options’ values in the “Bullet Type” section to reset. Additionally, the settings in the “Bullet Type” section contained two black color options.
Thank you for reports that helped us find and fix these errors faster!
Falling mines

We’ve discovered erratic behavior in mines dropped from aircraft: when observed from a naval vessel, they fell at an irregular speed, slowing down as they approached the water surface. At the same time, the aircraft that dropped the mine observed no issues. Now their points of view are in sync and correct.
Large caliber artillery

In the Storm Warning update we added a large caliber howitzer PzH 2000 to the game (two variants). It required a number of fixes: in the the armor of the hull sides, in the shapes and locations of internal modules, and in the folding animation of the shield plate. As part of its fixes we’ve added an autoloader module to the PzH 2000, and also Sholef and PzH 2000 have received the first-stage ammo stowage mechanic.
That’s not all
You’ll find the full list of improvements in separate patchnotes. Target markers no longer appear outside of boundaries of the radar indicator when in TWS mode, and torpedo trails appear properly at the low setting of water effects quality.
Today's update: Update
- JAS39A — a bug that caused HMD to overlap with HUD has been fixed.
- F-2000A, Typhoon FGR.4 — a bug with IRST search pattern that sometimes caused the IRST to not see a target has been fixed. (Report).
Ground Vehicles
- PzH 2000 (all variants) — autoloader module has been added. The bug which caused the vehicle to drown in shallow water has been fixed.
- ADATS (all variants) — maximum single-plane overload of MIM-146 missile has been increased to 42G (60G dual-plane). (Report).
- RDF/LT — the engine sound has been changed from gas turbine to a diesel one. (Report).
Naval Vessels
- A bug that sometimes caused the scout hydroplane to be invulnerable has been fixed. (Report).
- Ersatz Yorck — armor scheme has been corrected: armored decks, transverse bulkheads, casemate armor, barbettes and other elements have been reconfigured and the correct thicknesses and types of armor have been assigned. Ship type in the card has been corrected. Locations of internal modules have been corrected, crew number has been increased, ammo magazines have been added.
- Arkhangelsk — armor scheme has been corrected: armored belts, armored decks, transverse bulkheads and barbettes have been remodeled, armor thicknesses have been corrected. The number and locations of ammo magazines have been corrected.
- HMS Rodney — armor scheme and modules locations have been corrected. Armored belts, armored decks, barbettes anti-torpedo bulkheads, transverse bulkheads and armor plates of main caliber guns have been remodeled, correctly placed and have received the correct thicknesses.
- Vehicles in the “Favorite vehicle” showcase configuration window are now automatically sorted by the number or spawns on them from highest to lowest to make search easier.
- A bug that caused “Track progress” buttons for night battles rewards to be inoperative has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that caused ready indicator to not show up in ground vehicle sight settings window when reload indicator was off has been fixed.
- A bug when using search that caused the automatic scroll to vehicle in the tech tree to not work has been fixed.
- A bug when searching the vehicle in the tech tree that caused the mouse drag-and-drop to not work on a found vehicle has been fixed.
- A bug that caused a lack of thousands separator for rating and place in the leaderboard to be missing in the “Battle-Hardened” showcase has been fixed.
- A bug in the “Battle-Hardened” showcase that caused the shown ratio to be kills to spawn and not kills to death has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that sometimes caused fonts in the drop-down menus of showcase settings to be different sizes has been fixed.
- A bug that caused the tooltip on “Track progress” button in the “Decals” window of player profile to be missing has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.