In this section, we will talk in more detail about the work on improvements and fixes in the game from the past two weeks. Thanks as always for your bug reports!
If you’ve found a bug that you’d like to report, you can do so on our community bug reporting platform.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, the tree decided to fly after it had been hit by a tank.
With sufficient acceleration, the tank made the trees forget about their mass and fly forward like blades of grass, and even spin around on their axis. It looked impressive, but it was too comical and, most importantly, unrealistic. So the reason for this behavior was identified and eliminated.
"Duck and Cover"

A plane with a nuclear bomb is approaching! The tankers continue the battle, and the pilots of all nearby aircraft fly to intercept to prevent an explosion... Or do they? Why is no one preparing for this most important event?
It turns out that the siren, designed to give a warning about the appearance of a bomber with a nuclear weapon on board, did not always work. How so? The person responsible for anti-nuclear safety was reprimanded, and the siren was put back into service and will no longer malfunction.
I shouldn't have exploded!

We've fixed a couple of cases where explosions hit tank crews when they shouldn't have.
The first case concerned the Challenger Mk.3 and Challenger DS tanks. The kinetic ammunition in the turret was not supposed to explode when hit, but time after time hits in the turret's cheeks disabled the tank.The second example relates to the T-90M. Its external explosion-proof fuel tanks should not cause damage to the crew when damaged, but due to a bug they did so.
One click less
We strive to make War Thunder more convenient in all possible situations. This time we paid attention to the vehicle purchase window.
What if you don't want to allocate a crew at that time? For example, if your purchase is only an intermediate link on the way to a truly desired technology. We have added the ability to purchase a vehicle without choosing a crew. This way, you can save yourself a click and move on to further purchases faster - you can return to the personnel issue later.
That's not all
You will find a complete list of improvements in a separate update log. Errors in the description of some armored vehicle modules have been corrected, the “spades” icon will no longer appear on vehicles for no reason, and the window for opening the Tool Box has become more beautiful.
Today's update: Update
Ground Vehicles
- HOT-2 ATGM — the explosive type has been changed from HTA to octol. Source: Comité pour L'histoire de L'armament Terrestre, période 1945-1975, DGA.
- BMD-4 — a bug which caused all 100mm shells to show in the X-ray even when they have been spent has been fixed. (Report).
- 2S25— a bug which caused the “Tracks” module description to include some of the properties of the “Brake System” module has been fixed. (Report).
- Leopard 2A4, Leopard 2A5, Leopard 2A6, Leopard 2A7V, Strv 122A, Strv 122B PLSS, Strv 122B+ — a bug which caused the amount of shrapnel when penetrating the front of the hull to be low has been fixed. (Report).
- Fox – the NVD modification has been removed, now NVD is available without researching any modifications. In future, NVD modifications will no longer be added on vehicles with a low Battle Rating.
- HOT-2, HOT-3 ATGMs — the explosive type has been changed from HTA to octol. Source: Comité pour L'histoire de L'armament Terrestre, période 1945-1975, DGA.
- F-1 — Removed the ability to use the AIM-9B. Added the ability to use 2x AIM-9E without researching any modifications.
- Su-22M3 — added R-60MK and the modification to use them.
- MiG-21bis, MiG-21bis-SAU (Germany), MiG-21bis-SAU (Italy), MiG-21bis (Sweden) — the 2x R-13M1 missiles available without researching any modifications have been replaced with 2x R-60M / R-60MK.
- MiG-23M, MiG-23MF (Germany), MiG-23MF (Italy) — the 2x R-13M1 missiles available without researching any modifications have been replaced with 2x R-60M / R-60MK.
Naval Vessels
- IJN Mutsu — the missing thickness of armor shields of secondary guns has been corrected (set to 38.1 mm).
- HMS Dreadnought, HMS Colossus, HMS Invincible — the amount of explosive filler in the 305mm Mark VIa shell has been reduced from 12.4 kg to 12 kg. (Report). Source: ADM 186/167 Shell Committee: Interim report
- Incorrect behavior (flying, spinning) of trees after being hit by ground vehicles at high speed has been fixed.
- Unintended available positions on rocks near the central capture point on the Northern team side in the Sands of Sinai location at grid squares C5/C6 have been blocked.
- Unintended avaialble positions on rocks near the lower part of the Sinai location at grid squares C1/D1 have been blocked.
- A bug which sometimes caused the siren sound to not play when a nuclear carrying aircraft spawned has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug, which caused the “spades” icon to be erroneously shown when automatically buying modifications with the modifications window closed has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug, which caused the controversial message about both failed and successful activation of an order to appear when activating an order has been fixed.
- A bug which allowed the wishlist to be opened while in battle which caused the hangar interface to appear and prevented further gameplay has been fixed. (Report).
- The planned Battle Rating changes have been implemented.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.