The IAR-93B is a Romanian attack aircraft and is the main reward in the Flight of the Vulture aircraft event that started today!
IAR-93B Vultur: An Event Vehicle Attack Aircraft for Italy at Rank VI
At a glance:
- Ballistic computer for bombs and rockets!
- Radar Warning Receiver (RWR).
- Close combat air-to-air missiles.
- Easy to control.
- No countermeasures.
Vehicle History
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The IAR-93 was a joint development between Yugoslavia and Romania in the late 1970s. The goal of the project was to create a multi-role subsonic fighter-bomber that neither country could build on their own. Each country built its own prototypes which differed in the composition of their armament. The first flight of the IAR-93 prototype took place in 1974. Serial production of the IAR-93 began in 1976 at the Avioane Craiova plant in Romania. Further work resulted in the IAR-93B modification with an afterburner engine. A total of 83 aircraft were produced and were repeatedly modernized.

Introducing the IAR-93B!
Meet the distinctive Romanian IAR-93B Vultur (Romanian for “vulture”) attack aircraft that’s the main reward in the Flight of the Vulture event! This subsonic aircraft features a good payload for ground battles and can also hold up decently in air battles. Let’s have a closer look!

Interesting: The IAR-93B strike aircraft model was created by player NovA29, with the help of Romanian gaming community representatives TeodorSan and TheFlyingNoob. Player Reg25RUS took part in creating the cockpit model. What a great job!
Diving into its weapons first, the IAR-93B features two double-barreled 23 mm GSh-23L Soviet-made guns with a decent ammunition load of 400 rounds and some belts to pick from. Since the IAR-93B is primarily meant for ground attack, it can equip domestic 100 to 500 kg bombs, fire S-5K and S-24B rockets, plus the PRN-122 which are new to the game. To top it off, the IAR-93B features a ballistic computer, excellent for helping you aim the bombs and rockets!

Like most attack aircraft, the IAR-93B is not very well suited for air combat, but is not entirely out of place in this regard. This is because it features an RWR and short-range A-91 air-to-air missiles — a licensed Soviet R-3S, rear-aspect missile with a lock-on range up to 3.5 km. Despite these air-capable features, the IAR-93B has no countermeasures, so you’ll have to dodge enemy missiles the old fashioned way.

Moving onto flight performance, the IAR-93’s speed is slightly less than the speed of sound, but its flight characteristics are excellent, even with a large amount of weapons thanks to a pair of Rolls-Royce Viper engines and its advanced wing mechanization. This is especially important in the IAR-93B’s main role as a low-altitude attack aircraft.

That’s it for this one! The Romanian IAR-93B event vehicle can be obtained during the Flight of the Vulture event that started today. Check out the link below to know more details!
Click here to find out more details about the Flight of the Vulture event
Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.