Today we’ll be taking a look at the KV-7, an experimental three-barreled tank destroyer and the main reward for the Dreams Come True event!
KV-7 U-13: A Premium Tank Destroyer for the USSR at Rank III
At a glance:
- Three guns (one 76 mm, two 45 mm).
- Excellent armor!
- Great APHE shells.
- Average mobility.
- Poor gun elevation/depression.
Vehicle History
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The design team at the Chelyabinsk plant aimed to create an assault tank on the KV-1 chassis and considered multi-barrel layout schemes. One of these options was a prototype with the U-13 gun system for placing one 76 mm F-34 gun and two 45 mm 20-K guns into the turret. In view of the difficult situation at the front and the urgent need for an armored vehicle with increased firepower, work proceeded rapidly.
The first prototype was produced in December 1941, and the assembly of a test batch began almost immediately afterward. Field tests were conducted on January 5th 1942 in Mytishchi near Moscow. The three-barreled KV-7 demonstrated low accuracy due to the poor design of the breech frame and the inaccuracy of the sight, which did not take into account the significant difference between the ballistics of the guns. As a result, having received the test results, Joseph Stalin himself personally ordered that further development of the three-barreled version be abandoned. The rest is history.

Meet the KV-7!
For War Thunder’s birthday, we’ve selected a suitable and special vehicle, the three-barreled Soviet KV-7 U-13 premium tank as the main reward in the Dreams Come True event! Let’s dive into the strengths and weaknesses of this interesting monstrosity.

A quick look at the KV-7 will reveal that its main difference from regular tank destroyers lies in its armament. The KV-7 is equipped with a 76 mm F-34 cannon, familiar from early T-34 tanks, along with a pair of 45 mm 20-K cannons which were used in pre-war light tanks of the USSR, such as the BT-7, BT-5, and T-26. All three cannons can fire simultaneously, and despite the differences in ballistics, at short and medium ranges the shells from the three cannons still group together quite well.
If you’re an experienced Soviet ground forces player, you’ve likely mastered the excellent BR-350 rounds fired from the 76 mm cannon. Yeah, sometimes they might not have enough armor penetration for the heavier tanks, but any penetration causes a large explosion and significant damage to internal modules and crew. Because of this, it would be a wise idea to prioritize these shells as the main ammunition type for the KV-7, and load the 45 mm guns with, say, APCR or APBC rounds. The KV-7 features a variety of ammunition options for taking out various opponents, from lightly armored targets to the more heavily armored beasts, so make sure to select the right rounds for the job as some may not be as effective as others depending on the situation.

What about armor? The KV-7 inherits its hull protection from the KV-1. This means it has well-protected sides, and frontal hull armor over 100 mm thick with the additional plating. The front of the casemate itself is also 100 mm thick, comprised of a 25 mm plate on top of a 75 mm plate, along with a sturdy gun mantlet. Having said this, the KV-1’s weakpoints are still present on the KV-7, primarily the drivers port and flat casemate front. Like the KV-1, the KV-7 benefits from angling its chassis to increase survivability — however unlike a regular tank, doing this will make it harder to fire back as the KV-7 has limited firing angles. This tactic though can be used effectively to bait a shot before turning back and bearing down all three guns upon your enemy.

In terms of mobility the KV-7 performs as expected, being similar to the KV-1. The speed is average but sufficient enough to allow it to get into positions and fight the enemy aggressively when needed.
The premium KV-7 U-13 is the main reward for the Dreams Come True event which begins today! Overall the KV-7 is going to fit in well with Soviet ground forces lineups at ranks II-III. For players who would like to start their research of Soviet vehicles, the KV-7 presents the perfect opportunity to research ranks I to IV.