- Rafale C F3-R — incorrect update frequency of data on targets tracked in TWS mode has been fixed.
- Rafale C F3-R — the notification to retract flaps has been turned off due to being uninformative, as the aircraft has semi-automatic mechanization configuration.
- EF-2000 — incorrect display of the RWR page on the MFD in the cockpit has been fixed.
- EF-2000 — a bug that sometimes caused the aircraft to be able to fly through the ground has been fixed. (Report).
- EF-2000, Typhoon GR.4, F-2000A — lift-induced drag at high speeds and in the landing configuration has been decreased.
- F-15E — a bug that caused AGM-130 to overlap with AIM-120 has been fixed.
- Alpha Jet A (Thailand), Alpha Jet TH (Thailand) — a bug that caused some HUD elements to change color when switching lights in the cockpit has been fixed.
Ground Vehicles
- An issue with object synchronization that could cause vegetation and other objects to regenerate after being destroyed has been fixed.
- VBCI — internal module errors and inaccuracies have been fixed. Filling of the VBCI with modules is not yet final. We are still working on the modules as well as on corrections to some other existing discrepancies.
- VBCI — the front fuel tank has been made external.
- VBCI — a bug where the antennas were floating in the air has been fixed. (Report).
- VBCI — a bug that caused the coaxial machine gun to not elevate has been fixed. (Report).
- M44 — various model fixes.
- Namer Tsrikhon — a bug that made the electronics module act as armor has been fixed.
- PzH 2000, PzH 2000HU — the discrepancy between the back and front sides of the engine deck partition has been fixed. A bug that caused the crew skills to affect the reload speed has been fixed.
- HQ17 — a bug where the gunner’s sight was covered by textures when raising the camera has been fixed. (Report).
Naval Vessels
- HMS Rodney — ship sinking parameters have been adjusted.
- RN Ghibli — the distribution of anti-aircraft gun ammunition has been adjusted.
- New tactical map functionality has been added to test drives.
- A bug where the bottom of an aircraft could be reflected on the top when using screen space reflections (SSR) has been fixed. (Report).
- The transition between water and shore has been visually improved. Incorrect appearance of shallow water in foggy weather has been fixed.
- A rare client crash caused by complex key bindings made by the player that occurred when pressing certain keys has been fixed. (Report).
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.