Meet the CV9035NL, a Dutch modification of the CV90 IFV, developed specifically for the export market.
CV9035NL: A Squadron Vehicle Light Tank for France at Rank VII
At a glance:
- Potent 35 mm autocannon!
- Good mobility.
- Laser warning system.
- Add-on armor, making it slightly heavier than the CV9035DK.
Vehicle History
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Following the development of the CV90 Mk III, many countries adopted the vehicle into their military. Among these operators was also the Dutch army, which placed orders in 2004 and obtained up to 193 vehicles by the time the last units were delivered in 2011.
Meet the CV9035NL!
This is the CV9035NL, another unique variant of the CV90 family of IFVs that are already familiar to the game. Arriving as a new squadron vehicle to the French ground forces tree with the release of the Dance of Dragons major update, the CV9035NL will further diversify the French top tank lineups. Let’s take a further look!

For those of you who have already had a chance to play the CV9035DK, the CV9035NL will feel right at home as both vehicles share nearly identical specifications. The most noticeable difference distinguishing the two vehicles from one another is the presence of upgraded add-on armor for the Dutch variant’s sides and roof. While this effectively has increased the vehicle’s side protection against shrapnel and high caliber machine gun fire, it also adds weight. As a result of this, the Dutch modification of the CV9035 possesses slightly worse mobility, making itself noticeable in the vehicle’s slightly slower acceleration due to the decreased power-to-weight ratio. Additionally, the CV9035NL comes equipped with a laser warning system, increasing crew awareness of missile threats both from enemy ground vehicles and aircraft.

You’ll be able to obtain the CV9035NL either through squadron activity points or by purchasing it with Golden Eagles. In the meantime, be sure to stay tuned to the news as we continue to keep you posted on all the latest developments surrounding the upcoming update. Until then, happy hunting tankers!

Please note that this vehicle’s characteristics may be changed before it is added to the game.