- EC-665 Tiger UHT, EC-665 Tiger HAP, EC-665 Tiger HAD — a bug where the center of the aiming sight displayed on the MFD in the cockpit was incorrectly positioned above the target has been fixed. (Report)
- Wing Loong I — the AKD-10 missile has been added as an optional weapon.
Ground Vehicles
- Object 292, Leopard 2K, PT-16/T14 mod. — a bug that caused the fuel tanks to absorb all shell fragments instead of only the ones in the wide spalling cone has been fixed. (Report) (Report)
- TCM-20 — a bug where on a 64-bit client, an incorrect amount of belts could have been taken into the battle has been fixed. For example, taking 10 belts of any type into battle caused 12 to be taken instead. (Report)
- BTR-80A — a bug that caused the magnification to decrease when activating zoom in the gun sight has been fixed. (Report)
- Pantsir-S1 — a bug that caused the drown countdown to display when driving in shallow water has been fixed. (Report)
- ZSU-23-4M4 — incorrect speed value in the 9M39 missile stat card has been corrected. (Report)
- SIDAM 25 (Mistral) — the missing maximum speed value in the Mistral missile stat card has been fixed. (Report)
- WZ305 — the mass of explosives in the high-explosive shell has been increased from 153 to 159 g. (Report)
- ZTZ88A, ZTZ88B — the erroneously present commander fire control mode has been removed from the commander’s sight. (Report)
- Tor-M1 — a bug that caused the search radar to be unable to track AGM-65 missiles has been fixed. (Report)
- Swingfire — the sight magnification has been changed from variable x4-8 to fixed x10. (Report)
- ZBD04A — the lack of stabilization for the 100 mm gun when using the commander’s sight has been fixed. (Report)
- Leopard 2K — a bug causing pressure damage to the crew when the ammunition for the 20 mm automatic cannon located outside of the fighting compartment was hit has been fixed.
- Leopard 2K, PT-16/T14 mod. — a bug with missing fragments when penetrating through armor between the combat and engine compartments has been fixed. (Report)
Naval Vessels
- HMS Gay Archer, HMAS Arrow — the mechanic that stops the crew from being able to repair due to there being not enough crew left has been removed.
- In the messages with battle results, the detailed information area about earnings and research now displays information about vehicles that were used but did not earn any SL and RP in the battle.
- In the messages with battle results, a bug that caused information about the rewards for awards received after leaving the battle to appear in the “Other awards” section along with all awards of the same type has been fixed.
- In the messages with battle results, an uninformative value indicating the time of receiving this reward has been removed from the “Activity Time” section.
- In the messages with battle results, the amount of played time is now shown in the short version of the “Time Played” section instead of the amount of vehicles used in a battle.
- A bug that caused the crew selection window to still open when selecting the “Order (Select a crew later)” after the purchase option appeared directly after a battle had finished has been fixed. (Report)
- The “Eagle’s Eye” battle task has been removed from the list of possible tasks for aviation modes. Players with this task already active need to can continue completing it or replace it.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.