- Typhoon GR.4, EF-2000, F-2000A — empty mass has been reduced. Previously the empty mass included the weight of countermeasures.
- EF-2000 — a bug that caused the “Targeting Optics View” control to not switch the view to the targeting pod camera has been fixed. (Report).
- Typhoon GR.4, EF-2000, F-2000A — IR AAM seeker indication has been added to HUD and HMD.
- Rafale C F3 — IR AAM seeker indication has been added to HUD.
- Rafale C F3 — the number of datalink channels for the MICA-EM missiles has been increased to 8. (Report).
- Rafale C F3 — MAWS dead zones in vertical coverage have been removed.
- A bug that caused mines dropped from aircraft to slow down when approaching the water has been fixed.
- A bug in Air Simulator Battles that caused some aircraft to sometimes roll backwards when spawning on airfield after rearming has been fixed. (Report).
Naval Vessels
- HMS Rodney — the ship flooding system has been fixed. Now flooded bow compartments don’t critically impact the trim, so the ship’s bow doesn’t dive as much blocking the fire of main caliber guns.
- A bug that sometimes caused the vehicles acquired from the “Snow globe” to be marked as already owned even if the player just got them for the first time has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that caused the vehicle search by name in “Favorite vehicle” profile showcase to not work has been fixed. (Report).
- A bug that caused the Caps Lock state indicator on the login screen to differ from the actual state of the key if the Caps Lock had been switched when the game wasn’t in the focus has been fixed.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.