In this month’s Pages of History, you’ll be at the center of events that took place in different theaters of war. Belarus, the Philippines, Egypt and Hungary: take part in battles with the vehicles corresponding to these historic battles and receive prizes.
Zitat:From November 1st until November 30th, you’ll be offered 8 tasks consecutively. Completing each will reward you with a trophy, and completing all of them will earn you a unique player icon.

Marmaduke Pattle
Marmaduke “Pat” Pattle was a South African-born British pilot and one of the Allies’ most successful aces. In less than a year of combat, he is credited with shooting down more than fifty enemy aircraft, most of them while he was piloting a Hawker Hurricane. He fought in North Africa and Greece, leading No. 80 Squadron, which included the famous writer Roald Dahl. Pattle was killed on 20th April 1941 in an air battle near Athens with German Bf 110s.
You can immediately purchase this profile icon for Golden Eagles until December 3rd, 11:30 GMT without completing tasks. To find it, go to your Nickname → Achievements → Pages of History.
Trophy reward for each task
Completing each individual task will give you a trophy with one of the following rewards:
- 20-50% RP booster for 3-10 battles;
- 20-50% SL booster for 3-10 battles;
- 3-5 universal backups;
- Premium account for 1 day;
- A random camouflage for ground vehicles (out of the selection of camouflages currently obtainable in game for completing tasks, or purchasing with Golden Eagles).
Other terms
- Tasks are available from 11:00 GMT until 11:30 GMT on the final day of each task.
- Tasks can be completed in random battles except for “Assault” mode.
November 1st — November 4th
Barbara Line
On October 6th 1943, the Allies broke through Germany’s first line of defense in central Italy, but their further advance was hampered by the poor condition of local roads, which made supply difficult. Therefore, the assault on the Barbara Line, the second in a row, did not begin until November 2nd, but was completed within 24 hours. German troops retreated back to the Gustav Line.
November 5th — November 8th
First Flight of the Hawker Hurricane
On November 6th 1935, the single-seat Hawker Hurricane fighter took to the air for the first time. Almost 15,000 units of this aircraft were produced, and in the Battle of Britain, it was Hurricane pilots who achieved more than half of all aerial victories over the Luftwaffe.
November 9th — November 12th
Battle of Taranto
On November 12th 1940, Britain raided the Italian naval base at Taranto. It was the first naval battle in which aircraft launched from ships attacked other ships. Fairey Swordfish torpedo bombers from the carrier HMS Illustrious used specially modified torpedos to hit the Italian fleet in the shallow bay. Italy lost half the battleships in the harbor.
November 13th — November 15th
Klinsko-Solnechnogorsk Defensive Operation
After the end of the autumn thaw, the Wehrmacht resumed its advance on Moscow, and on November 15th 1941, Soviet troops began a defensive operation near Klin and Solnechnogorsk. During the fierce battles, German forces approached Moscow to a distance of only 14 km, but the Red Army managed to hold them back, and then seize the strategic initiative and go on the offensive along the same line.
November 16th — November 19th
Operation Crusader
On November 18th 1941, the British Empire launched an offensive on the North African front. After initial setbacks, the Allies managed to break through the Axis defenses, and on 28th November the New Zealand Division rejoined the defenders of the besieged Tobruk, and by the end of the year the German and Italian forces had retreated from the region. The success of the operation was Britain's first major victory against the Wehrmacht.
November 19th — November 22nd
Operation Uranus
The Stalingrad strategic offensive operation, codenamed Operation Uranus, began on November 19th 1943. By November 22nd, hundreds of thousands of Axis troops were encircled east of the Don, and the encirclement tightened steadily until all Axis forces had surrendered by early February.
November 23rd — November 26th
Formation of the “Normandie-Niemen” fighter regiment
The French Normandie Squadron in the service of the Soviet Union was formed on November 25th 1942, by order of Charles de Gaulle. In 1943, it was transformed into a regiment. Normandie fought on the Eastern Front until the end of the war, participating in the Battle of Kursk and the Belorussian Operation. During Operation Gumbinnen, the regiment shot down 41 German aircraft without suffering a single loss. On November 28th 1944, for its services in crossing the Neman River in Lithuania, the regiment was named Normandie-Niemen.
November 27th — November 30th
Operation Tariq al-Qods
Operation Road to Jerusalem was conducted in Iran from November 29th to December 7th, 1981. At midnight on November 29th, Iranian forces launched an attack on the Iraqi-held city of Bostan and captured it by morning — the first city recaptured by Iran since the beginning of the war. By the end of the operation, Iran had held off an Iraqi counterattack and liberated about 70 villages in Khuzestan Province.