Improvements To Custom Sights
In the Firebirds major update, we’re expanding the functionality available in the “Sight settings” menu. It’s now possible to add the name of the shell you’re using to the sight and configure it in the same way as other elements can be within custom sights. You can move it to wherever you want, change the text and background color in different channels, change the size and font, and set the preferred name of the shell used — either its type or short name. In addition to this, the range scale can now be moved horizontally with the mouse cursor!

We’ve also improved the existing functionality of configurations. The sort list now puts player-created or downloaded configurations at the beginning, and a created or downloaded configuration that you no longer want can be deleted without leaving the game.
Analyze Your Hits From Your Battles
It’s now possible to see hits that you made or received during a battle as they actually happened, without needing to replay them manually in the Protection Analysis menu. You can view hits from a replay by clicking on the “Hit analysis” button when leaving a battle, or find the replay in the replay list (navigate “Community” > “Replays” from the hangar) and click the button from there.

Recorded hits are divided into two groups, where you can switch between both: either hits made by you, or hits from enemies. Each hit has time stamps, the name of the ammunition used and vehicle, and on the menu on the right, you can see the range and details of the projectile and vehicle. It’s also possible to save individual shots from the hit analysis menu to a file and play them from there, allowing you to both share them with your friends or attach them to bug reports. Please note that not all hits are saved. Some hits are filtered by gun caliber, so the list will not have a scattering of machine gun hits, as this can interfere with finding the exact hit that you wanted to see.