Today, we’re ready to introduce to you the long-awaited Research Bonuses for New Nations. In this article, we’ll be explaining how it works in full and we’ll also be having testing for this new feature, the dates and times can be seen below.
In summary: Each nation and vehicle tree per nation (Army, Helicopters, Aviation, Bluewater fleet, and Coastal fleet) will each have 3 battles with research bonuses if you have a “top” vehicle researched and purchased in one of the respective trees in another nation. Bonus numbers can be seen in the “Table of research bonus numbers for each tree type and rank” table below. The bonus is calculated from the base Research Point gained in a battle, and bonus battles reset daily at 00:00 GMT. The number of bonus RP can be seen in the battle results screens, and testing for this new feature will start from August 22nd until August 29th.
Testing dates
Internal employees at Gaijin, including Game Designers, QA, programmers and Community Managers have had this new feature enabled on their accounts for over a week now, testing its capabilities and reporting issues.
We’re now ready to roll-out this new feature to everybody for a 7-day testing period. Be sure to read below exactly how this feature works.
Zitat:When: From August 22nd until August 29th (12:00 GMT).
Afterwards, we’ll evaluate the earnings, take a look, make changes if needed and release it fully, permanently shortly after.
How this feature works

Each nation and each vehicle tree per nation (Army, Helicopters, Aviation, Bluewater fleet, and Coastal fleet) will each have research bonuses for 3 battles if you have a “top” vehicle researched and purchased in a tree.
In each tree there are vehicles that are considered “top”. Once you’ve researched and purchased these vehicles, you’ll receive research bonuses for other nations that you don’t have any “top” vehicles for yet. The size of the research bonus depends on the rank of the vehicle being researched and will apply to the first 3 battles each day.
What counts as a “Top” vehicle?
Above, we’ve mentioned “top” vehicles. But what counts as a “top” vehicle?
A “top” vehicle is:
You can easily identify the top vehicle by looking in the tree — it’s connected by an arrow to the new Research Bonus Block at the bottom. If the arrow from the “top” vehicle to the new Research Bonus Block in a research tree is not red, this indicates that research bonuses have been unlocked for a particular nation’s tree.
Example of this feature in use

For example, if you have the M1A2 SEP V2 researched and purchased in the USA Army tree, which is the final vehicle at rank VIII in this tree: you now have access to research bonuses for any nation that you don’t yet have a “top” vehicle unlocked for in their respective Army tree. This now means you can research, let’s say, the Strv 81 that’s at rank V in the Swedish Army tree with a 50% research bonus (this number is for rank V Army) to the base research gained for 3 battles per day. You can also research any other Army tree that you don’t have “top” vehicle researched and unlocked yet for any nation for 3 battles as well.
Since you have the M1A2 SEP V2 which is considered a “top” vehicle, you’ll not get any research bonuses towards the USA’s Army tree, even if you’re still researching a vehicle in this tree. This is because this new feature is catered towards research bonuses for other nations where you may not have any or many vehicles unlocked.
Adding to the above, let’s also say that you have a “top” aircraft in Great Britain researched and purchased, for example the Sea Harrier FA 2. You now have research bonuses for any nation’s Aviation tree where you don’t yet have a “top” aircraft researched and purchased.
Checking which nations you currently have bonuses for
To see which nations you have research bonuses for, hover over this new block section in each of the Army, Aviation, Helicopters, Bluewater / Coastal fleet trees. In the below example, this account has research bonuses for the Army trees in Germany, Japan, China, Italy, France, Sweden and Israel. On this account, 2 battles have already been played for Germany, which is why there’s 1 left. For the other nations, there’s still 3 battles that can be played with research bonuses.

On this same account, for the Aviation portion, this account has 3 research bonus battles for the USA, Germany, USSR, Japan, China, Italy, France, Sweden, and Israel.

A daily bonus research icon is also shown on each nation and can be hovered over to see which vehicles are receiving bonus research.

The numbers
Bonus Research Points are catered towards the mid to higher ranks, where the amount of research points required to unlock a vehicle is higher. This means that ranks I, II and III will not have any research bonuses. These are the following bonus numbers:

Table of research bonus numbers for each tree type and rank
This information can be seen by hovering over the new research icon on a vehicle that you’re researching. This icon will only appear on a vehicle that you’re currently researching in a tree that is receiving research bonuses.

Once you’ve played the 3 research bonus battles for a nation and vehicle type tree, the reset happens at 00:00 GMT everyday (the time shown in-game is specific based on your local time).
The bonus amount is calculated on the base Research Points gained in a battle, the same as how Skill Bonuses work.
For Enduring Confrontation (EC), every 30 minutes spent in one battle will count as an additional battle, similarly to how Boosters work. However, unlike Boosters, the length of the battle only determines how many bonus battles you spend in it. It doesn’t affect the bonus size, as it is always calculated as a percentage of the whole base RP. So, for example for a 3-hour long EC session your reward would be increased for the same percentage as a usual battle, even though you have spent your bonus battles before the end of EC session.
How to see your bonuses after a battle

Research Bonuses work in any random battles game mode, and will be applied if a vehicle of this kind was used in it. For example, the bonus for aircraft will also be added to the base reward acquired with aircraft in Ground and Naval Battles, not just in Air Battles.
If you played a battle and received 0 mission points and 0 base RP with a respective vehicle, for example a helicopter in Ground Realistic Battles where the battle ended and you had no time to do anything, you will not receive any research bonus to helicopters. The research bonus battle for helicopters is also not spent, so you’ll not waste 1 of the 3 research bonus battles for helicopters in a nation.
So, you’ve played a battle and got research bonuses for a nation you haven’t researched much of yet. Nice! The bonus you receive is shown in the My results screen under “New nation research bonus” as well as in the Battles section in the messages area.
Get testing!
As mentioned above, you can log into the game now and try out everything that we’ve explained above. Give it a go!
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Here are some real-life like scenarios and answers. Please feel free to ask any questions that you have.
Q: I only play German ground vehicles and have a rank VIII ground vehicle unlocked, the Leopard 2A7V. But for Great Britain I have nothing in ground, I’m starting from rank I and would like to try them. Will I have any bonuses?
A: Yes, but not for rank I, II or III. At these ranks, the daily bonus symbol will be on the vehicle you’re researching, but will instead say +0%. When you start researching a rank IV vehicle in Great Britain, you’ll get +25% bonus, and the respective amounts for each rank (as mentioned above) going up.
Q: I only play one nation, the USSR. I have a max rank vehicle unlocked and purchased in Aviation, Army and Helicopters for this nation, but have nothing unlocked in any other nation. How many bonuses will I get?
A: For the other 9 nations, you’ll have 3 battles where you’ll have bonus research points when researching them at rank IV or higher. For example, 3 for USA Aviation, 3 for USA Army, and 3 for USA Helicopters and so on, and the exactly same for each of the other nations too.
Q: I only play the USA, and I have every single plane in the USA tree researched and purchased, but only up to rank IV for their ground tree. Will I get bonuses for the ground tree?
A: No. Bonuses only apply to their respective vehicle type trees. Since you have rank VIII USA aviation unlocked, you’ll get bonuses starting from rank IV in all other nation’s aviation trees if you don’t have a “top” aircraft unlocked for them yet; not ground.
Q: If I don’t plan to play with a vehicle from a nation that has a research bonus available, can I disable the display of the bonus icons?
A: Yes. You can toggle the display of the bonus icon in the research branch using the “Show remaining bonus in headers” option.

Q: If a new “top” vehicle is added to the tree, will I be able to research it using the bonus? If I got a “top” vehicle in a tree, will I never be able to get a bonus?
A: The bonus status will be updated when new vehicles are introduced. You can either lose it or get it. If you have top vehicles for only one nation, and this nation gets a new top vehicle, then your bonus will be lost until you acquire the new vehicle. If you have a bonus from several nations, and a new top vehicle is added to one of the trees, then this tree will receive the bonus again.